ASDA proper stitched up their preorder customers...
If you preordered you got their special pack, which included a free tshirt and guide. The price was guaranteed to be less than something like £44.97 on release.
When I saw the price of £36.97 on here and AV forums I was buzzing.
Turns out, the preorder people dont get it for that price, we got it for £44.95... Thanks for that lol. Atleast I have a super mega awesome tshirt to wear
In regards to the game, im still getting used to moving across to xbox from the ps3, but I dont think I like it as much as MW2 atm.
Respawning is terrible. Soo many times last night that I killed someone and they respawned literally 2feet away from me :S
I dunno how to describe it, but the graphics dont seem as good either... Not as intricate and detailed as MW2 imo.
I am proper loving up the Famas though! All round great! Just got the noob tube to buy for it and it'll be perfect
I am loving it up to yet though tbf, got my copy at 12.30, home by 12.40, came off it at 5.50am. Back on again soon!
If you're on xbox, drop me an add