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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

  Bumder With A Buffer
I might go to my local ASDA and see If I can get one.

Or I could just wait till tomorrow. But I wanted to play it tonight god dammit. Out on Thursday to a gig, in London from Friday night till Sunday. Gay.
OMG, I'm pretty sure I have just seen the HDNL driver (plain white van with parcels in front seat) have a quick look for my block of flats, couldn't be arsed to find it and typed something in to his little computerised pad and drive off with an Amazon package!!! Not happy if that was mine!

Not living on ground floor FTL.
Point in pre-ordering if it doesn't come on release day, what a load of shite.

Totally agree with this, I dont see why companys take preorder orders if they can't deliver tbh. Yeah they get you're money but you're more likely to shop else where in future.
  Flame Red Delight
okay i have had mine for over a day now (thanks to game pre-ordering i got it monday :) ). The game itself is very good it is effectively Modern Warefare 2 with different maps and guns but underneath the incremental changes it is still MW2. This may be the best game that (treyarch) have actually made this far (personal opinion). But there is still some problems. If many of you had played world at world then they would have realised that there was alot of connection issues and i and many of my friends and people on here repeatedly moaned about the dreaded yellow ping. Im affraid this has just been brought onto Black Ops and at certain periods of time the servers just cant handle it, and unless you live right next to the server then unfortunately during these points it is very hard to kill anyone with green or full connection. I am a decent player so its not me before anyone says its me (2.29 k/d).

Overall it is a very good game worth the money and can see me play for a few months, but will i get addicted as much as i did with the infinity ward games ? the answer would be No, the server issues and lack of killstreaks above 12 puts me off and online just feels generally a bit unfair as at the moment if you have the best connection you are going to have a good time in the games.

Hope that helps someone and that is all in my opinion, i understand people will disagree.


Totally agree with this, I dont see why companys take preorder orders if they can't deliver tbh. Yeah they get you're money but you're more likely to shop else where in future.

I'll be returning my pre order, regardless of cost.
  Octavia vRS
If mine doesn't come in the next hour I'm going to asda to get it and are going to get a lovely worded email sent to them. useless b******s
  Mk5 golf gti
ive just bought it from tescos with 2100 live points for £42 barrgain

gonna let the xbox update while i service the Alfa ;)
  Fiesta ST-2
I take back what I said this game is s**t. Mainly due to the connection and WAW guns. Wouldn't be suprised if they used the exact same guns but changed the weapon skin.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Plenty of copies in the Asda near my work, had it pre-ordrered anyway so wouldnt have been an issue :)

I also have this on the PS3 as well ready to roll in 3D :)
Yes!!!!!! Got it for £45 for game and psn card, less 10% discount and my girl is buying the psn network card from me for 20 so a cracking deal!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
had quit a few games on this now and the target system is a joke, other than that the game is allright. im quit happy with the maps. takes some getting use to the money system
  Clio RS 182
okay i have had mine for over a day now (thanks to game pre-ordering i got it monday :) ). The game itself is very good it is effectively Modern Warefare 2 with different maps and guns but underneath the incremental changes it is still MW2. This may be the best game that (treyarch) have actually made this far (personal opinion). But there is still some problems. If many of you had played world at world then they would have realised that there was alot of connection issues and i and many of my friends and people on here repeatedly moaned about the dreaded yellow ping. Im affraid this has just been brought onto Black Ops and at certain periods of time the servers just cant handle it, and unless you live right next to the server then unfortunately during these points it is very hard to kill anyone with green or full connection. I am a decent player so its not me before anyone says its me (2.29 k/d).

Overall it is a very good game worth the money and can see me play for a few months, but will i get addicted as much as i did with the infinity ward games ? the answer would be No, the server issues and lack of killstreaks above 12 puts me off and online just feels generally a bit unfair as at the moment if you have the best connection you are going to have a good time in the games.

Hope that helps someone and that is all in my opinion, i understand people will disagree.

Would changing your settings to local not improve the connection?
Bored of playing it on live already, a big part of that is down to the fact I'm s**t.

Sucks that I keep getting raped due to having a s**te internet connection too. Hello lag, hello death.
  Bumder With A Buffer
My GF's Brother bought one today and dropped it through my door to play on as my Tesco one isn't here and he's working tonight...Good ol boy :)

Im leaving at 4 whether I have finished my work or not..Takes me usually 45 mins to get home..Il be doing it in 15-20..Sod the fuel Comsumption. Il then get changed for footy and have an hour to play before I have footy tonight me thinks.

Sods law our power will be out when I get home though
Don't hold your breath, HDNL came and couldn't be arsed to find my place so left!

If he can't see our house then he shouldn't be driving with eyesigh so bad, so I hope he does find it.
Have you checked your tracking number on HDNL website to check if it was actually the delivery driver?
  Octavia vRS
Well just went down to my local asda sold out it looks like I'm not going to playing on cod tonight.. What was the point in pre ordering and u don't get it on release day.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Well just went down to my local asda sold out it looks like I'm not going to playing on cod tonight.. What was the point in pre ordering and u don't get it on release day.

what console ya got? I have a spare ps3 1 if ya willing to drive to Durham. 40 quid it's yours
