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Oldskool internet Speeds.

  Not a 320d
Im sat downloading some stuff right now. Its tearing down my phone line at a whopping 1MB each second. FML, 10mbit line in 2012 seems a bit s**t haha. (My city is under going upgrades for 60-100mbit right now, Im still waiting).

Got me thinking.

I remember having 56kbps. Playing Day Of Defeat online on a weekend (Free evening and weekend internetz!). Downloading a song would take the best part of 20 minutes. I had an ISDN line at my School's boarding house which was 64kbps.

Then I upgraded to 512kbps Broadband. Holy f**k was that Fast. Im sure it only took a few minutes to download a song. Could play online games all day. i think I was playing CS Source at this point. My School had a 2mbit connection.

Dont know what upgrades I went through after that. I remember having 8mbit, then being upgraded for free to get better speed, ripping my phone extension out and finding I could get 10mbit.

I look at some of the speeds you guys get (Im sure some are on 100mbit) and I feel like Im back in the stone age.
  Clio 182

Yep, it really is lovely to finally have decent internet.

We had 3mbit for about 5 years and sharing that with my brother & dad while trying to game was an absolute nightmare.

Now on 70mbit/20mbit and I can download/upload without affecting gaming really at all, such a bonus!!

We still had 56k quite late on, and used to play Soldier of Fortune 2 online, that was hilarious as most were on decent internet then. We'd lag around the map and kill loads, but they couldn't kill us as we kept jumping around!


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I remember nearly wetting my pants with with excitement at the thought of having 1mb lol
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1

You kids didnt know you were born jumping straight in on that.

IIRC 2400 on an acoustic coupler was my first connection.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.

You kids didnt know you were born jumping straight in on that.

IIRC 2400 on an acoustic coupler was my first connection.

Flash git. That was fast, I remember upgrading to a modem that did 2400 and being amazing by the speed.

I also once download a 4GB file on a 56k modem. (I had to write a piece of software to handle dial-up and automatically restarting the download)


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
alt.binaries.erotica.schoolgirls and one of these:

Taught me the virtue of patience

Mine was a BBS with terminal software and a X-Modem transfer program. The flashy ones would decode a image as you downloaded it, in all it's VGA resolution GIF glory.

Infact even that's probably a lie because the acorn archimedes used CGA monitors.....

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
28.8k was my first personal use, outside of uni. Had to pay BT £29.99 per month line rental and had a download cap with the ISP - NetComUK.

Managed to get my email address starting as dpsmith@ ........ imagine trying to get that on pretty much any ISP these days. ;)



ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
My first ISP was Pipex, incidentally the first UK ISP, my mate worked for them during the summer holidays.

I remember sitting at a web browser and thinking, umm, how does this work, how do you make it do anything?
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
My first ISP was Pipex, incidentally the first UK ISP, my mate worked for them during the summer holidays.

I remember sitting at a web browser and thinking, umm, how does this work, how do you make it do anything?


Seemed quite high tech at the time, lol, not that there was actually anything to look at online really then anyway.

MUDs were about the cutting edge, lol
  Focus ST-3
I remember having 56kbps. Playing Day Of Defeat online on a weekend (Free evening and weekend internetz!).

DoD!!! awesome game!! downloaded it from steam again the other week after all these years of not playing it!! still loads of people online!


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.

Seemed quite high tech at the time, lol, not that there was actually anything to look at online really then anyway.

MUDs were about the cutting edge, lol

Yeah, good old Mosaic.

I believe there were about 3 web pages, there wasn't even a search engine then! lol Not that you needed it with the handful of web sites that actually existed. I think there was a maintained list of websites that you could visit.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
DoD!!! awesome game!! downloaded it from steam again the other week after all these years of not playing it!! still loads of people online!

Steam is great, I got railroad tycoon on it the other day, used to love playing that 20 odd years ago, lol


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  E90 M3
Good memories of being 14/15 waiting until 6pm for 56k dial-up, so I could get on MSN to chat up the local messanger slags. Love it.
  Not a 320d
Good memories of being 14/15 waiting until 6pm for 56k dial-up, so I could get on MSN to chat up the local messanger slags. Love it.

I only stopped using MSN this year haha. Only kept it running because there were two kids that did the same and was the easiest way of getting in touch.
I only stopped using MSN this year haha. Only kept it running because there were two kids that did the same and was the easiest way of getting in touch.

I still use it!! They're shutting it down in March :(

I remember freeserve charging 50p per connection, then kicking you off every 2 hours so you had to re-dial.

When we got 256k, then 512k shortly after, I thought the world was about to explode!!


ClioSport Club Member
I was about 9 when we got the internet at home, before school got it in fact.

That was 56k, I was talking with friends yesterday about how we used to know the sound the modem made and how we knew if it was going to fail connecting if the sequence wasn't right.

Then napster came out, and we spent 40 minutes downloading a single song.

Then my cousin got an ISDN line, which meant he could call people on the phone and be online (at twice the speed of dialup) at the same time which was amazing!

Then like you we got 512kbps BB as soon as BT launched it for £30 a month in 2001/2002 iirc, then we got infinity at 40Mbps and now I'm on around 100Mbps. Still, wish it was faster.


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...

I get 9Mbps when peeps locally bog off to bed, otherwise this is my best. Cable and Fibre in the close not available. grrrrrrrrrrr.
  2014 Focus Titanium
I'm currently on 12mb which I consider quite fast cos we're out in the sticks. It's with Sky and is unthrottled (for downloads) at all times which is great.

At work we have a 15 machine running on only 3mb, it's an absolute pain in the arse. Can't do anything about it though, no way to upgrade.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Just done mine first time in a month, can now get 3mb/s, went up to 2mb/s about 6 months ago.

  LY R26
Used to get 140ping on cs with 56k, anyway I joined this decent server and kept getting 99ping for a split second so I waited and took a screenshot of me on 99. I was well chuffed just because it was under 100 lol. 1337!!
  2014 Focus Titanium
Used to get 140ping on cs with 56k, anyway I joined this decent server and kept getting 99ping for a split second so I waited and took a screenshot of me on 99. I was well chuffed just because it was under 100 lol. 1337!!

Lol yes!

On 56k I used to connect at about 41k on my PCI modem, that would get me a ping of about 180. I remember being really jealous because my mate bought an external v92 modem and connected at about 52k and his ping was always around 140. He was the boss!


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
56k connection... I remember that! No different to my 1.5mb commection speed
  2014 Focus Titanium
56k connection... I remember that! No different to my 1.5mb commection speed

To be fair my 3mb at work now feels to me the same way 56k felt to me all those years ago. Amazing how perspectives changes, this connection is effectively about 70 times faster!
  Petrol Blue 182.
AOL was my first ISP. MSN used to awsome, the amount of birds who'd flash on cam was great.
  Bus w**ker
Having moved from 60mb fibre to 11mb (if I'm lucky) DSL - new estate hasn't been cabled - I feel like I've gone back to 3600 baud. It's f**king painful.


ClioSport Club Member
I live in a modern housing area in Wales and only get 0.9mbps downstream and 0.1mbps upstream - and there's a fibre enabled exchange across the road. But no plans to use it in the foreseeable future. Instead I'm connected via copper wire to an exchange 6km away. :(
  2014 Focus Titanium
Having moved from 60mb fibre to 11mb (if I'm lucky) DSL - new estate hasn't been cabled - I feel like I've gone back to 3600 baud. It's f**king painful.

Bloody hell. I'm on 11mb at home and think it's fantastic! I can download a 1080p movie in about 2 hours. But then again, I've never had the ability to download the same file in around 20 minutes which is what I'm guessing you're used to. That would be awesome!
