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On the verge of getting an iPhone!

Having being with Orange for many years, my current 18month contract has now finished!

Going to be taking the jump over to O2 and going for the iphone 3G in the next couple of days, my G/f's contract is up with Orange too and she's going to be getting one also. But she only wants an 8gb due to having an 8gb ipod nano (fair enough).

I'm not sure if to get an 8gb or 16gb? I heard that the 8gb fills up pretty quick with apps etc? is this right? and is it worth spending the extra £60 to get the 16gb?

I know theres a massive long thread about the iphone but don't want to plough threw 100 odd pages. So as a newbe to the iphone world whats the first/best things to do/get when I walk out the shop with it, apps etc?

Many Thanks! :)
  6/468 17poo
i was on the same orange dealio that your on i sacked off orange and got a 16gb black iphone, never looked back, my bro just done the same best phone ever, and who ever raves about a camera on a phone there all gash just use a digi camera

Do it mate, makes sense!
i was on the same orange dealio that your on i sacked off orange and got a 16gb black iphone, never looked back, my bro just done the same best phone ever, and who ever raves about a camera on a phone there all gash just use a digi camera

Do it mate, makes sense!

Cool mate, 16gb then?

Not bothered about the camera to be honest as I have a DSLR for taking pictures ;)

Is it right if you take pictures on the iphone you have to upload them to a website before you can send them on? (just something the guy said in the o2 shop)
  106 GTi
I have loads of apps on my 8gb you won't fill it just with that - It is the music you will struggle to get enough on though!

Yeah the camera is gash, the black back marks easily but the rest is awesome, well bar battery life which is w**k compared to my 2G one.
  Nippy white cup
I got my Iphone and I fecking love it.. I only got the 8gb but it is more than enough for me...the apps are generally only a couple of meg at most and I have shed loads of albums and a lot of vids including a few high quality full films and still have plenty of room left

As said, the apps take up very little space, but if you are going to cram it full of music and videos then the 16gb is the one. Otherwise the 8gb will suffice.

And Flick bowling is the best 59 pence youll ever spend!
  SLK 350
I had an 8gb, be surprised once you get some chunky apps, a series of TV programmes and some music how quick it fills up.

Depends on usage though.
  Full Fat 182
I have loads of apps on my 8gb you won't fill it just with that - It is the music you will struggle to get enough on though!

Yeah the camera is gash, the black back marks easily but the rest is awesome, well bar battery life which is w**k compared to my 2G one.

I had the same problem so when my parents went to Florida asked them to get me a protective case i'd seen on an american website. Its made of rubber and fits perfectly. Struggling to figure a way of taking a photo with it on tho without using another camera....

Oh and the pics prove how pish the cam is. That said in daylight outside it really isn't as bad as people make out


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  Full Fat 182
This pic is taken with the iPhone to prove it's not bad in good lighting conditions. Apologies for the daft photo mind....


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best phone i have owned, its just a joy to use. Everything is so easy to do on it. I have an 8gb 3g and it you are worried about filling it up with music you can get an app called Simplify Media which streams your and up to 30 friends itunes library over the air :)
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
best phone I've ever owned as well. I have the same case as Acejon (just not with the wood effect) and its definitely the one to go for.
I had the same problem so when my parents went to Florida asked them to get me a protective case i'd seen on an american website. Its made of rubber and fits perfectly. Struggling to figure a way of taking a photo with it on tho without using another camera....

Oh and the pics prove how pish the cam is. That said in daylight outside it really isn't as bad as people make out

Is this the best case to get for it?

Has anyone had problems with scratches on the screen?
This pic is taken with the iPhone to prove it's not bad in good lighting conditions. Apologies for the daft photo mind....

That's not too bad.... but I take most of my camera phone pictures in the dark i.e out on the piss lol.

I'm really undecided. I like the iPhone but I wasn't bowled over by it. Lack of video is also a down point for me personally. BUt what else is there?!
  Renaultsport 220T
I switched over to an iphone about 3 weeks ago, I'm mac based anyway, so it made sense to get one.

I can honestly say that I couldn't be without it. It has made my life so much easier. Having email on the go, that links with my home mac. Surfing the web on the train commuting into London. Battery life is pants, but then I carry my usb cable and charge it where ever I am working.

8gb is more than enough for everyday use. Depends how often you update/change ur itunes.

Apps are really cool, and getting better by the day.
  SLK 350
The battery can be pants, but there's lots you can do to improve it. But by virtue of the screen size and the input method (touch) it all has to be powered. Personally I charge mine everynight and it's fine:

-Turn WIFI off.
-Turn location services off.
-Turn Bluetooth off.
-Turn screen brightness down considerably.

That there will buy you another 30-40% battery life. I use mine daily on my commute for music+games(90 minutes) and during the day for calls, the whole time it's also pushing email (80 a day), by the time I've dicked around in the evening I've got 20% left.

Battery is the best of any 3G device by a margin IIRC.
I hammer my phone, with WiFi on (connecting all the time to random access points at work, home, etc), location services on, Bluetooth on all the time with headset connected for around 2 hours a day with abotu 30 minutes usage, screen brightness on 75%.
I have Exchange push mail going all day too, etc.

I easily get a day. I can get two days, but normally end up charging around 9pm on the 2nd day.. and I use it quite heavily. Of course, I normally just put it on the dock each night so it's fully charged.. which is fine :)
