So I was dead in work today so I thought i'd tackle a few niggles...
The windscreen washer pump wasn't working. A quick volt meter check showed power so I rang euro car parts for a replacement. As I was giving my address, I spotted a mates clio in the corner of the yard. I hung up on euro car parts (politely) and rang him. He said he wanted to keep it but I managed to persuade him to scrap it. It's 3 inches deep in water inside and everything is covered in mould. And I mean everything. I'll get a pic tomorrow...
So I pinched his washer motor and got cracking removing mine.
Sadly, because this car has been passed around like a wh0re at a house party, there are lots of niggles. One of which was the glued on wiper arm. I tried and tried to get it off gently but in the end the stud snapped off. MAGIC!!!
So I went back accross the carpark and stole his wiper mechanism too. Sadly the wiring was different so there was a lot of fcuking about but I got there eventually. Basically the washer motor which normally takes 15 minutes took me 2 hours! lol.
When that was finished I decided to grab a spare top inlet and paint it silver. I'm not a fan of colours in the engine bay and I like clean so I think I did good.
It was dull grey, painted with a brush or something. Now it looks a lot cleaner.
Next up I noticed that mateys mouldy s**t heap clio had fog lights. So I pinched them and replaced mine as they were both cracked and letting in moisture. Fitted new standard bulbs as I had a set in my drawer. Just to be sure everything's tickety boo.
No cracks, no moisture!
Pretty successful day! I may not have earned any money but I fixed a few jobs and none of them cost me anything so win win.