It doesn't say use it. He's giving the link to where to get it from.
As there are many dodgy versions about.
Gmail is not push, push is instant or near instant.
The only push mail out of the box supported by an iPhone is Yahoo! mail or Exchange.
Gmail needs an app that uses push notifications to support it. Not the same as push mail.
Thanks Dan, quick as lightning as per.
Leigh, miss you x
Surely if he thinks we should avoid it, he shouldn't have posted the link lol. Seemed to work fine on mine anyway.
If you have a PC you don't have any choice.
There is no other solution.
Gmail is not push, push is instant or near instant.
The only push mail out of the box supported by an iPhone is Yahoo! mail or Exchange.
Gmail needs an app that uses push notifications to support it. Not the same as push mail.
.is it possible to add another folder in your e-mail, rather than just the inbox, sent and trash?
I have a question actually.
I keep getting a "could not activate cellular data network" message pop up all the time, when I'm not even trying to use the net. Now, I know it can't connect, as I purposely entered the address wrong, as I pay for my internet, hence I only use it when I need to. I don't want it connecting all the time itself costing me money. Why does it tell me this when I am texting? I'm not trying to connect to the internet.
f**ks me off.
Have you used blackra1n?
Well for a start you are using an iphone without a data plan.
So that's mistake number one. And the only reason why its happening.
I just threw the blackra1n thing in for a laugh.
Oh. Ha, that was a good one!!
Well I'm quite happy to put the correct address in, but I am unsure whether it will just sit downloading stuff in the background all day without my consent.
Probably will, can't you just pay for data?
I think I have a problem with push on my phone. Set up a gmail account and its taking about 5-10 minutes to notify me of a new email from it being sent. How long are other people finding the push taking on their phones?
3 days! wtf! Not using mine i.e. standby, mine will last JUST over 24hrs
You have issues then surely??
Under network settings my data roming is switched off. Will it make a diff if I turn it on? What is it? 3g Is on though