I keep getting stuck on third mission where you have to defend the wee village.... they come from all angle so with only 3 guys its a nightmare to defend yourself.
come on i managed it on my own so with three it be even easier lol
I keep getting stuck on third mission where you have to defend the wee village.... they come from all angle so with only 3 guys its a nightmare to defend yourself.
Oh an the fact that you can't look around the vehicle when you're driving (at least in ground vehicles) makes avoiding trees/rocks/gun emplacements harder and the driving less fun.
I've only played it for a short while so far and kept getting killed at the end of mission 2, I think I'll start that mission again and try not use up all the ammo from the good gun I start the mission with. I'll also have to tell the computer controlled idiots to only fire when I do as they forever give away my position when I try to sneak up on the enemy.
There is, click the right analogue stick (Xbox360) to change to it but even then the view is stuck to the tail of the vehicle. In the old game (PC) you hit * and you could look around independantly of direction of travel, even when you were on foot.Is there no 3rd person view like on the first one?
come on i managed it on my own so with three it be even easier lol
I'm on the mission where you have to take out the mortar crews along a hilltop. I was killed so loaded from a previous checkpoint, 3 seconds after I spawn 3 enemy soldiers spawn 5 metres behind my squad and kill everyone...
Respawn again and the enemy soldiers spawn with me, I kill them and 2 vanish immediately leaving the 3rd standing (dead) holding an invisible gun. :S
Which store is offering £27 trade-in?
This clearly had to be designed for cross-platform, but ffs guys - what were you thinking? You can't walk/run while selecting another weapon?
Isn't that how it is in real life? Swapping an M4 for a RPG while running would be a bit tricky wouldn't it?
I've been lucky so far I think...no real evidence of any glitches, no floating people, and solid AI that responds to my commands.
Great game IMO.
Trust me. I think if I was getting shot at in real life, I could swap to my next weapon without standing upright in the open and taking my time about it! The fact that you can't even move is just daft, imo.![]()
But that's the point!
In real life why would you even consider going for a 5 second/10 second/20 second weapon change when you're on a two-way range knowing you cannot return fire while you do it?
You wouldn't. You would put yourself behind cover and then change weapon/reload/whatever.
Wouldn't you?