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Opinions please V6 or Ferrari

no offense cliouRS but I would Never , EVER , EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER compare a Scooby to a Ferrari ! Ferrari every day.

they may be quick but it ends there.

There are a few good quotes on this page and the note re : Noble is the most valid -

e.g great looks, performance and realistic running costs so we are going tomorrow to view a noble and a 328 now to help make the choice with my friend.

while the 328 is "old" there is nothing "pikey" about a ferrari as mentioned above !!! Some people !

but it is a great drivers car especially with ABS and its an affordable model to run as the engine doesnt need to be taken out unlike the 348 and 355.

The Noble is a great car and a realistic choice (seriously)

cheers guys .

p.s for what its worth re : v6 clio or merc sl - the v6 is a stunning car but the merc sl 600 - is mad to drive ! no matter how old ! trust me !

Granted some lancers and subarus may be faster but they just aint ferraris, were talking about different classes of cars here, i see imprezas everyday with massive dump valves and loud as fook exhausts and sometimes i think "hey that one looks pretty good", but when i see a ferrari, no matter what sort you just cant take your eyes of them.


Tell ur mate to buy the ferrari

P.S (if ur ever in manchester let me have a ride in it;), lol)
  Mini Cooper S sport

Quote: Originally posted by cliotuRS on 08 October 2004

in fact having read how the new MR FQ-400 Evo lancer is the fastest real world road legal car ever poin to point faster than any ferrari or even the pagani zonda @ 45K
I thought the Mclaren F1 was still the fastest road legal car, but Im sure youll jump on me and correct me if Im wrong.

The bottom line is, a Renault is a Renault, and a Ferrari is a Ferrari. Of course Id love a V6, and I couldnt afford one, but given the choice Id simply have to have the Ferrari.

Bascially, I think most people are saying

"If you can afford the running costs of the Ferrari, then Ferrari it is!"

  Clio v6

I would have a Ferrari but I dont have enough security to sleep soundly at night. The V6 is only a few bob so not such a great loss.
  The Jinx

Id have gone for the last beautiful Ferrari that was made. The 308.

Given the choice of Noble, 348 or V6 Clio the Noble wouldve won.

Went through a similar decision a few yeas ago. I found the 348 a total let down. Its like the girl you fancied for ages, but when you eventually get to meet her shes just dull. Well thats a bit harsh, but YKWIM.

Nice sound - but that was about it. Not particularly quick, nor a great handler.

If your mate really wants one, try and find a challenge car (very nice), and make sure the sills are colour co-ordinated which improves the look of them massively....and go for the berlinetta not the targa.

Prefer the brother in laws 328 (and his 355)

Iain C

ClioSport Club Member

ferrari make some stunning cars of course but is it more about the name than the car with your mate?

I expect the v6 is a far better drive?

Im not really a badge sort of person so the clio would get my vote.

I would prefer getting a older jap car say a rx7/supra and tuning it a bit then go kick ferrari ass:D

After all if you have to scrimp for a ferrari then you cant really afford one.

I like the 360 (err cup striped out one) and 355 spider....

Funnily enuff saw a 348 yesterday morning on the way to pick up me valver, looked and sounded quality, good choice resident evil, those cars have style and class written all over them.

Plus this one sounded amazing, in fact it wasnt your mate was it in sainsburys petrol station in cheadle hulme? lol

I reckon.. well done Res Evils mate! You only live once... its not a dress rehursal in this life.. so owning a genuine Supercar.. such as a Ferrari!! WOW! Can u imagine someone asking what u drive.... and u reply with .. Ferrari!! (I like the fast Jap cars.. but wouldnt sound as impressive as owning an Italian beauty) Pretty cool ah.

No matter if its not the best one ever built etc. The sound alone when he boots it is worth it! lol. There will always be better cars... but I think hes done the right thing... I think most people agree that it was the Servicing and Running costs that put most people off... as not many of us could afford to run one, without worrying about a gearbox or anything else breaking etc.

Id still think ud HAVE to own a cheapish second car tho?

WELL DONE to him ... Res. can u get some pics of it when he gets it? Id like to see it, so I can dream!


hi liquid,

thanks for the kind post -

your comments are spot on. Even if he has to sell it at some point - at least hes had the "experience"

They do sound fantastic and there are better and faster cars out there but....

a ferrari is a ferrari.

the servicing costs are a problem granted but even maranello are dropping their prices for cars over 3 years of age now !

belt changes are not as bad as before !

plus... most of the ferraris have lost a lot so the resale of a ferrari (secondhand) after a year or so isnt too bad.

getting pics tomorrow - will post em them!

you lot need to read up about the nobel.


10,000 mile warrenty, service every 4000 miles, with every second service being a big service - £600 + parts.

they are very expensive and quite unrelianble apparently.


Got a v6 - still wanna Ferrari though. Pal of mine just got a 360 - WOW!!!

Makes the v6 seem a bit boring - cant believe Im writing this. I will go and flog myslef...
