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Oxfordshire Meet, Sunday 29th April

Hi All

As us Oxfordshire lot have not had a meet in what seems to be forever I thought I'd get one arranged so everybody can get to know each other before such events as CSS, and to bring a bit of socialness to our area!

I'm thinking Sunday is a better day, but let me know, and the 29th as it's the end of the month and gives people a few weeks notice. Go to a pub and have at least a drink (as we would be using their car park) or maybe some food, they have a decent value menu. Other options could be to go bowling or karting etc.

Location - The Black Prince, Woodstock, OX20 1XJ. Has a decent size car park and a nice big outdoors area. If anybody has any other ideas, just say, would like to have other peoples input as well.

Let me know your thoughts and who is interested. I'll start off a list:

1. Adam.P


ClioSport Moderator
Indeedy Tony! Problem is, I will need some tuition before I get anywhere near troubling the diff I'd imagine. We all have to start somewhere though. Only put the gripper in due to the last OEM one failing.

But, hopefully some starter tuition from you at Llandow, then a few more track days this summer and by next summer I can start working the flamer hard.


ClioSport Moderator
Errmmm, if its going to be a 'car park' fest, my attendance is unlikely. I thought a bit of looking around the cars, then some food / a sherbet would be the order of the evening....
That's the plan Cub, more of a social aspect with a drink and some grub at a pub with decent size carpark than a car park meet, better for everybody to get to know eachother as we can have a sit down and a chat.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
If it's a pub meet I may be in, will check my dates :)
Righyo then, seems a pub is the best option. So Sunday 29th, Location - The Black Prince, Woodstock, OX20 1XJ at say 3pm, lets get a list on the go!

1. Adam
