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Paypal! Fraud! help!

Basically £300 has gone to some canadian f**k from my credit card. Fortunately paypal flagged it as suspicious and froze it.

How did this happen?

I'm thinking virus on my computer but i've got the latest AV and doubt there is a virus as im pretty computer savvy..

What can i use to scan my pc? whats the best online tool?
f**k. Turns out paypal flagged it up after it had been completed.
Its gone out of my account and paypal are in the process of investigating...
  recaro'd 172 rep
some seriously clever people out there behind computers. They must make a fortune. Shame they dont make it in a fair way
any help guys?

Done 3 independant online scans as well as my resident AVG and suprise suprise no virus's...


  RS Clio 172
no help i'm afraid. but it's a slightly worrying thought! surely paypal should refund you themselves?
  185lb/ft dCi
my guess is isn't a virus. do you use the same email and password for other things which could have been stolen? thats usually the way hackers are able to get your login details.
  Clio DCi 65
Call your credit card and file a "chargeback"

It'l then be a dispute between Credit card & Paypal.

You'l get your cashback.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
any help guys?

Done 3 independant online scans as well as my resident AVG and suprise suprise no virus's...

It wouldn't be a virus.

Trojans could be used to get information I guess, but most are just malicious and not in it for the money (so I hear). One thing I normally do if I think there is something suspect going on in my PC is pull the router plug out, but my dad reckons it's too late by then, and they don't care about stealing information either.

Makes sense, and unless your PayPal password was saved in a document called passwords then it's unlikely that's how they got your email/password. Unlucky either way fella.


Same happened to me, only $35 dollars but still worries me. Didn't notice untill i got an email from paypal saying my account had been restricted as they thought somebody else had gained access to it - they were right! Got a full refund, but still don't know how the bloody hell they managed to access my account in the first place!
Thanks for the replies guys

surely paypal should refund you themselves?

Apparently they should but it can take up to 10 days to "investigate" which is what is worrying me...

my guess is isn't a virus. do you use the same email and password for other things which could have been stolen? thats usually the way hackers are able to get your login details.

I guess my passwords are simular but tbh I have no idea how they could have got it still. I've removed my card and am changing all my passwords

Call your credit card and file a "chargeback"

It'l then be a dispute between Credit card & Paypal.

You'l get your cashback.

Unfortunately it was a debit card :( and the money is still 'pending' but since its not a credit card they cannot cancel it!

However my bank have said once it clears to phone them and report it as fraud

Makes sense, and unless your PayPal password was saved in a document called passwords then it's unlikely that's how they got your email/password. Unlucky either way fella.

I dont have anything like that.

Same happened to me, only $35 dollars but still worries me. Didn't notice untill i got an email from paypal saying my account had been restricted as they thought somebody else had gained access to it - they were right! Got a full refund, but still don't know how the bloody hell they managed to access my account in the first place!

Mines currently restricted but I dont want to unrestric it!


In order to activate it again, you willl have to change everything. Passwords, security questions ect. So chances are whoever accessed your account in the 1st place wont be able to again, fingers crossed!

Mines currently restricted but I dont want to unrestric it!


Longshot, don't suppose her name was Katherine Kendall?


Would love to find the cnuts!
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  185lb/ft dCi
similar or the same? all i can think of is if you have put your email and pass into another site that 'looks' genuine and is actually a phishing scam. i've witnessed this first hand and found that many people use the same email and pass as such things as facebook etc.

only other thing it could be would be a trojan/keylogger. hard to say really without being there, just make sure there are no suspicious processes running and check your start up configuration, go to start-run and type msconfig and clear it up.
Im was very warey of the fact it could be a keylogger but as I said, numerous virus/spyware scans have come back all clear.


- AVG (latest definitions)
- Kapersky online scan
- Fsecure online scan
- Spybot S+D

Some good news though

We've decided in your favour.
We've processed your recent claim that someone used your account without
your permission for this transaction, and decided the case in your favour.

Hopefully should get refunded soon :)

Faith in paypal slightly restored lol...
  185lb/ft dCi
try malware bytes too, one of the best anti malware programs. also to be sure it isn't a trojan/keylogger, install a decent firewall, that will then alert you to what processes are trying to access the internet, if there is anything suspicious, then check it out.

glad to see you'll get your money back!
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Same happened to me 6 years ago when I had $1000 stolen from my account via Paypal. Never used their s**t service since.
similar or the same? all i can think of is if you have put your email and pass into another site that 'looks' genuine and is actually a phishing scam. i've witnessed this first hand and found that many people use the same email and pass as such things as facebook etc.


Use a completely different password for paypal.
