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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
really liking this. just got knifed of my mate the c**t, need revenge need his tags. Still need to get into more tanks and air support. need points for those

How on earth do you call out for some one to get you ammo? i thought there was a table/chart where you can select what command you want like BF2142

I <3 the commo rose! :)

Got the despatch confirmation from Amazon on mine this morning - along with the Spectact (sp?) unlock code. Can't wait to do some tank whoring and/or take out the tank whores myself....engi class FTW!

  Integra Type-R DC2
Got the hang of jets now, just need to learn how to fly evaively and shake off enemy jets. Helo's on the ither hand are proving alot harder to fly, although I did strafe some guy a treat earlier in the little bird. Burst of minigun fire to the chest. Goodnight princess.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I lost a few hours to this tonight playing campaign. It's good but I think I enjoyed MW 1&2 campaign mode more.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
So is the coma rose coming into this then? my favourite was 'Go Go Go' lol those were the days
  Integra Type-R DC2
I lost a few hours to this tonight playing campaign. It's good but I think I enjoyed MW 1&2 campaign mode more.

If you were hoping the campaign would be mind blowing then your missing the point of Battlefield, its all about the online.


ClioSport Club Member
Is this worth getting (xbox)?

Fancy something different to the MW norm, I doubt I'll be getting MW3. So it this worth it for those who have it already?

Worth a look, but i've found it disappointing tbh. Comparing it to bf2, the c**tsole version seems a step backwards-in terms of gameplay. Graphically its infinitely better but with it so infantry focused, the vehicles now just seem an afterthought. Jets & helis are laughable, dumbed down is an understatement. :clown:

Can anyone who's played the console port/pc version advise if it's worth bothering with? Darren?
  Bus Winker
I completed the pc version yesterday. It's by far the best single player game of the last 5 years imo. The graphics, atmosphere, sounds and story are just amazing.
Been flying helis with my mate all evening, once you get some decent unlocks they're pretty damn good, though a little under-powered still against troops/tanks :(
Managed to get 7k xp on a conquest match so got 5 unlocks, yet to test them all out though!
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I completed the pc version yesterday. It's by far the best single player game of the last 5 years imo. The graphics, atmosphere, sounds and story are just amazing.

Good stuff, I played the last one atleast 3 times through. I got about 5 mins in on this one last night ( didn't even get through the train ), can't wait.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I decided not to buy this and concentrate on Forza.

Accidently bought it.

It's incredible.
  FN2 Type R GT
Loving this, doing campaign on hard though, slightly regretting it as i have had to restart a fair few times, spent almost 2 hours on operation guillotine :eek:
  Inferno 182 CUP
Bit the bullet and got this today.

10 minutes of it and i wanted to bin it .. 30 minutes and I'm hooked .. makes COD look proper s**t lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
just completed the campaign, really enjoyed it. Great story line get's you into it. the tank and air level were just awsome


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
is there anyone can't get into a quick match, i can't i tried 3 times now it says ERROR CONNECTION
