Guided shells are a fun way to take out MAV's that spot you for campers with mortars!
I have to admit I usually have guided shell on the tanks cause all of us that usually play have the CITV station unlocked on the tank so we can pretty much wipe any vehicle out... still doesn't beat nailing a helicopter with an unguided tank shell!
I'm having fun going after the medals, for 10k a piece, to level up! It seems like its 230K per rank after you hit 45 and i'm onto the 6th now.
The karkand map pack is pretty sick but I can't help feel Rush mode could use some more vehicles on gulf of oman! Would really make it an awesome map! A chopper on each team would be awesome!
Wake island... jesus christ that map is fun to play! so much different than BF2 and 1943! It looked so sunny and bright but now it looks evil! Plus the skid loader is so much fun to drive around ... and get roadkills eh dredz
