Anyone on tonight???
Put a handful of killcams together that you lot have got, Liam, Curley, Dredz, Laura and Gedde in this one!
Got a quality one from alymac with his RPD the other night for the next installment! Just rendering the Video.
Loved my quad last night....dredz was on fire though with multikills a plenty.
Had a few quick games this morning just to try and level up as quick as possible, want my tar21back asap.
Will be on later tonight probably around 11pm.
if i can dodge the missus il be on at 11pm!
It's stupid using an M16 when you should be using Famas anyway![]()
Famas is the poor mans m16! Less power and ugly iron sight! Lol much prefer the m16!
They both do 40 damage per shot at close range and at distance both do 30 damage they have the same multipliers 1.4x head and the rest 1x but the m16 has a higher rate of fire.
Famas is 428 rounds per minute and m16 is 468 aim down sight is the same but m16 has a slightly faster reload!
None of that matters though tbh... Famas has an ugly sight lol and needs red dot. Or holo!