Dear CustomerFirstly, please accept our apologies for the delay in our reply and thank you foryour email regarding your recent order for the Left 4 Dead game that was cancelled.We'rery that you remain unhappy with our response as this certainly wasn't ourintention.In the first e-mail we sent you, we mentioned there was an error in the price at thetime that you placed your order, and as a result we had to cancel this item. Wefully appreciate why you have taken the time to contact us again, yet we are unableto fulfil your order for 'Left 4 Dead' at £15.00.Unfortunately, these pricing mistakes can happen and we do have the right to cancelyour order and have no legal obligation to supply your order. When you place anorder with us you enter into our Terms and Conditions. Our Terms and Conditions, asquoted below, have been complied with and state: "If, by mistake, we have under priced a product, we will not be liable to supplythat product to you at the stated price, provided that we notify you before wedispatch the product to you. In those circumstances, we will notify the correctprice to you so you can decide whether or not you wish to order the product at thatprice. If you decide not to order the product, we will give you a full refund on anyamount already paid for that product in accordance with our refund policy in section6 below." It may come to your attention that you have been charged for the game primarily andother customers managed to receive their orders. Orders which were placed beforethis error was reported have gone through our dispatch process and were sent to thecustomer. As soon as the mistake was brought to our attention, we corrected theprice on the website and made our customers aware that any outstanding orderswouldn't be fulfilled. We can confirm that a full refund has been issued back toyour account if you had been charged for the order and might take up to 10 workingdays for the refund to appear in your accountOnce again, we’re sorry for the delay in getting back to your e-mail, but we trustthat this e-mail has helped to explain things in more detail. Thank you for yourpatience and understanding in this matter and we hope that you will give TescoEntertainments another chance to provide you with the service you rightfullydeserve.Kind RegardsTesco Customer Service