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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

i think the pistols are well overpowered.

i can find myself running round with a pistol in any class and can usually kill someone in close quaters, just because im not an idiot and run in front of people.
  Clio 1.2 16v
i think the pistols are well overpowered.

i can find myself running round with a pistol in any class and can usually kill someone in close quaters, just because im not an idiot and run in front of people.

Is that not the ideal situation to draw a pistol?
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I always say use bolt action because It will often be the case where someones running for cover and you have just one shot to take them down so your gonna try to make that 1 shot count. If you've got a semi auto your likely to spam a load and hope for the best which although may get u the kill, it doesn't help improve your aim.

As for close quarters if you've got an assault rifle/lmg your not gonna want to pull your pistol out lol, but for recon etc it's awesome. They should of allowed shotguns to be secondary tbh as they are not very useful as a primary the maps are far too big and for every shotgun range battle u have there's probably another 10 mid rangers who you can't get.
Is that not the ideal situation to draw a pistol?
no i mean i dont draw it, i start off with it... if im walking from flag to flag with it and i bump into a MG person i think i've still got just as good a chance to kill him even though an MG is 'better' - because the pistol is very powerful
  Clio 1.2 16v
no i mean i dont draw it, i start off with it... if im walking from flag to flag with it and i bump into a MG person i think i've still got just as good a chance to kill him even though an MG is 'better' - because the pistol is very powerful

Ahh, I see. Shotgun as secondary? Tiny bit unfair, plus pistols are generally more useful. Again, semi-automatic is just as lethal as a bolt-action, the pros and cons cancel out any advantage one might have over the other.
i didn't know i could have a shotty as 2nd weapon, i guess i havent unlocked that yet.

i got a ton of points this evening, 3000 in one game (before badges at the end) was my best effort :D


iain187 said:
i didn't know i could have a shotty as 2nd weapon, i guess i havent unlocked that yet.

i got a ton of points this evening, 3000 in one game (before badges at the end) was my best effort :D

You can't... Or else I've not unlocked it either...


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Well have to say after getting used to conquest I was enjoying it, still takes ages to kill someone! Like a million bullets but it's all good!

Hard to gte lots of points I think but i'm enjoying it. EA servers give up the ghost about half 6 last night?

More shite! No idea what rush is all about so i'll stick to conquest!

The tanks are lethal, you actually feel the power with the mounted gun! Awesome!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Conquest is great.

I have to say though, I f*cking hate the Medic class. Like I said a page or two back, I've got 0 points with one. I just haven't got on to them yet, as I'm still unlocking stuff on the other classes, but Jesus, the amount of guys who choose Medic because they know they'll get loads of points for dropping medical supplies and using the Defib's on folk to ressurect them. It's not that which is annoying though, it's the f*cking gun that's unlocked. I was killed so many times yesterday by Medic's with the same b*stard gun. That huge machine gun thing. Frustrating as hell.

You do also unlock the shotgun as a secondry weapon, but it's the Tracer Dart shotgun. I'm unsure if you can use it on infantry, as it's best on vehicles to trace their movements.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I'm looking forward to putting more time into it Scutch but points are still hard to get, feel like it'll take ages to rank up! :(

The maps are just so so big! Kinda frustrating sometimes if you spawn at your base and the flags like a million miles away oh and every c-unit has taken the quads and tank!

Still love being in the tank! It fricking owns! Me and Kevster were in one yesterday just blowing everything up!

We had 2 tanks on 1 of the other team at one point it got owned very quickly!

What's your fave map Scutch? I haven't played that many yet.

Oh and have you had lots of server issues?
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Are you searching for a squad when you get into games gal.

If not you will have to spawn at spawn points which can be miles away.

And with regards to bullets taking ages to kill people, try playing hardcore maybe.
  S3, Polo
Fave map is Conquest - Panama Canal. Awesome.

You do also unlock the shotgun as a secondry weapon, but it's the Tracer Dart shotgun. I'm unsure if you can use it on infantry, as it's best on vehicles to trace their movements.

LOL @ "Tracer Dart shotgun" ;)

The Tracer Dart does nothing to infantry (apart from make them flash on the mini-map! LOL).

If you aim an RPG - through the scope - at a 'tagged' vehicle and wait a second or 2 babbageil the aiming reticle displays a distance in white characters underneath the red square), your RPG then homes in on that vehicle (aim it straight up in the sky for maximum effect! :)


  RB 182 Cup
lol, i really canny get on with the vehicles that fly :(
Am I right in thinking that you have to unlock missiles as the pilot with the attack choppers? I was just playing now and tried firing by pressing all the buttons but nothing happened so I jumped into the gunners seat and proceeded to rack up 22 kills in the last few minutes of the game.

The gun on the nose is ridiculously good - people on the ground were spotting the attacking enemies and I'd just train the crosshairs over the orange triangle and pull the trigger, or spot them myself and they'd get mown down by our defenders. It doesn't matter whether they're hiding behind a tree or a house the thing tears everything to bits!

Now I know why I hate them so much in game :rasp:
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
You gotta have it turned in mate. It's in the last lost on your customizations.

It'll give you a secondary weapon in any vehicle.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Gal you on later?? Me and Kev kicked arse the other night..think we were the top scorers on our team
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Ahh cool, cheers for that mate! :cool:

Gally, no, no server issues with the 360 version. There were originally, but it seems to have been sorted now.

Also, when you start, always choose to be part of a squad. The potential is there to get more points, and you'll get more spawn locations (as you can spawn on your squadmates position). It's a much better game than being on your own, IMO.

As for favourite map, I like the Laguna Presa, because I have a couple of brilliant sniping positions which give me a clear view of either the Crash Site (A) or the Village (C). Rack up a fair few points from those viewpoints, too, especially when I have the mortar strike on offer to take out the tanks which just enter and remain there until the flag is raised. Trick is to wait until the flag is raising for them, then strike. You'll get Flag Defense points as well as the kill/destroyed vehicle points. The snow level isn't too bad, either, but as the Engineer rather than Recon. Go into the farm house (C), and just sit at the top of the stairs, crouched down and wait on the enemies coming up. They usually don't expect you to be facing them and you can wipe them out with the machine gun before they've even seen you. I've got quite a few points from that tactic. Eventually, they will just bomb the sh*t out of the house, but even so.

I'd definitely recommend Engineer class for a while. The first unlock is the drill, which you can use to repair tanks and stuff. You'll get a load of points for that, especially if you're part of a squad. Once you unlock the better machine guns, you're away, definitely better once the scope is unlocked, too! Stick with it, you will collect more and more points with Engineer.

Another good position is on Laguna Alta map, at Train Yard (B). Simply run towards the flag from your spawn point at the Train Yard, but instead of going down the steps on the right, jump up onto the ledge and sit there behind the tree and bushes. It's very rare that enemies will see you there, and as they come to capture the flag, you just pick them off from that position. As always though, eventually they will see you, whether that be through a missed shot, or even their kill cam. Great sniping position, though, as it not only gives you full view of the flag at (B), but also, if you stand up and turn around on the top of that ledge, you can see the house at (A) in the distance. With the 12x scope on sniper class, you may find a few more victims around there.



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Cheers mate, I always spawn into a team it's just getting killed and not being able to spawn off a team mate means you're away back to the start again!

I do like it tho! Why do you only get 2 team mates to spawn off? Good idea by the way!

I've been doing assault class Scutch, maybe try the engineer to get more points.

Richy I'll be on all night tomorrow, just a couple of hours tonight.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Haha gal I was shouting directions but ya just ignored them. Lol I like to drive to the enemys base and kill a few and blow up there vehicles. Me and rich did it the other night.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lols that's a class idea!

Oh and I couldn't hear you for the shooting and shrapnel going past my head from 2 tanks!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yup. Best plan is to get a tank to the enemy spawn base, and plant a few Anti-tank mines at the entrance. PMSL. Easy money.


ClioSport Club Member
Snipering is the best on this game, so much more realistic than MW2.

I always Snipe now - with the 12x zoom!


  RB 182 Cup
It seems the medic class is getting some hate on here! I'm working through that and the engineer class atm - haven't touched Assault or Recon really.

Agreed it is easy to spam with the light machine guns. However they are also deadly accurate at long range with quick bursts, I've used them to great effect against exposed snipers and assault teams riding on quads or jetskis!

No one ever seems to speak in squad chat though.

My XBL is Royal funk :eek:
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
It seems the medic class is getting some hate on here! I'm working through that and the engineer class atm - haven't touched Assault or Recon really.

Agreed it is easy to spam with the light machine guns. However they are also deadly accurate at long range with quick bursts, I've used them to great effect against exposed snipers and assault teams riding on quads or jetskis!

No one ever seems to speak in squad chat though.

My XBL is Royal funk :eek:

The only reason I slated the Medic class was because I keep getting shot by b*stard Medic's!! So on that basis, it's a pretty good class to choose. I simply haven't even tried it yet.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
The f2000 with the pink seight is the best I've had so far. Ya can't miss. Lol can't wait to unlock it instead of stealing them off the other team.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lols stealing ftw!

We have a few games tomorrow night Kev?


  RB 182 Cup
The only reason I slated the Medic class was because I keep getting shot by b*stard Medic's!! So on that basis, it's a pretty good class to choose. I simply haven't even tried it yet.
Yeh that's what kept happening to me so I thought meh, can't beat em join em. There's also a thrill to be had sprinting out during a mortar barrage, managing to avoid the circling Blackhawk gunners aim and reviving fallen team mates.

I've realised that emptying a whole belt in one go doesn't tend to have the desired effect unless your target is already wounded. I got over excited earlier when I managed to sneak up behind a 3 man sniper team (2 snipers 1 medic) and did a great job of ruining the fencing and shrubbery above their heads before I was cut down by pistol fire.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
LOL! I took out a medic, engineer and a sniper all in one shack on the Laguna Presa map using the combat knife. Was awesome. I sneaked in, killed one of them, got scared and just went nuts with the controller, spinning around and pressing the melee button over and over. PMSL @ seeing the bodies all lying on the floor.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I got over excited earlier when I managed to sneak up behind a 3 man sniper team (2 snipers 1 medic) and did a great job of ruining the fencing and shrubbery above their heads before I was cut down by pistol fire.
That's me down to a tee!

3 of the other team turned around after I caught them unaware!

I ended up running away!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I had to order a new headset today other one won't charge, i'll maybe borrow my bros for tomorrow!

I plan on being on for a few hours so you can show me the ropes!

If we get bored we'll fire on cod.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
What so it can break?

Oh wait...

Well at least we have gt5!

  Astra SRI/ Hornet
I had to order a new headset today other one won't charge, i'll maybe borrow my bros for tomorrow!

I plan on being on for a few hours so you can show me the ropes!

If we get bored we'll fire on cod.

youve never had a head set since we started playing, lol im sure rich will join us aswell, the games is brand new i wont get bored. im still only level 1, lol nearly 2 though.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lols i'm nowhere near 2!

Yeah I just kept putting off charging my headset then when I did it won't charge! Bin!
