*** UPDATE ***
It has been a hot weekend, but alot of progress has occured :approve: , Coil overs were fitted & some weight removal completed, so friday evening & saturday morning the coillys were installed, first impressions -

I thought the car would need to be set-up & untill then would be a bag of shite to drive but the thing drives spot on, no where near as harsh as i thought it would be, look forward to see what its like set-up
So set the height on the coillys, then started weight removal of the rear.. should have done the weight removal firsts as now it looks like the nose is diving lol
The progress began on the removal
And what was removed
* Spare wheel - 20kgs
* Tool kit, jack & tray - 5kgs
* Rear wiper - 1kg
* Iso bar - 5kg
* Rear seat belts, bolts, tensions - 6kgs
Could be any where from 35-45 kgs of weight, the weights i have listed above are just a guess from lifting them, could be more or less :S , before any one asks, yes the rear seats are still in, for 2 reasons, firstly i dont want every one to see whats in my boot & finally i dont want the tin noise you get from stripped cars :dapprove: so next on the list is removal of the sound deadning
How it stands now with the arse in the air lol, still looks much nicer than the 4*4 lol