Thanks mate, must say that it does look damm cool, was staring at it in the car park at work today, looks so smart that low, sad b*****d i know lol & its set at the same height as a packet of fags so "just" clears the the speed bumps/petrol station ramps lol, handles like its on rails

, thought i would have the new seats for the next meet but the guy wont have them in stock till the 9th of august

.. change of plan, still going fixed bucket but fiber glass is soooo much cheaper & they only way 7.5kgs each :approve: still got work to do with the inlet side of things & more weight removal to get on with, shes gotta hit 1000kg's with the air con still in lol
Amy has already twisted my arm into coming along sunday, so wont have any free seats as the back is now longer usable from the weight saving afraid mate :dapprove: .. Has tezza fixed the williams? round 2 baby :evil: Also you manage to sort the tapping out on your euro mate?