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Philips Hue and Living colours

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Yeah when I ordered the blooms I bought them with a bridge as the other one was out of stock. Found loads of cool themes on the Philips hue site which I've tweaked a bit. My fav is a virgin Atlantic one:smile:
Which app you using mate?
  Cayman S Edition 1
Mainly the Philips hue one, but I'm also trying one called onswitch which has some cool themes.

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
I've downloaded the Hue Pro app. Cost 99p but got better reviews than the actual Philips one


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
As much as I love Hue, I think I've only used it 3 times since I moved in 10 months ago! What do people actually use it for on the regular?
  Cayman S Edition 1
As much as I love Hue, I think I've only used it 3 times since I moved in 10 months ago! What do people actually use it for on the regular?
Use it every evening in the lounge now instead of the normal lighting. It's great in my office as I can have a cool white light during working hours, then set it to blue when gaming.

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Yeah use mine as our everyday lighting in the lounge. Still haven't set up my bridge yet either

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
As much as I love Hue, I think I've only used it 3 times since I moved in 10 months ago! What do people actually use it for on the regular?

Like others I use mine as my main living room lights now. You need a few to get sufficient brightness though but being able to change the colours/scene of the room as and when is great!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Got the bridge along with the stairs, hallway and lounge sorted... but I've found after the initial excitement of it all I just cba really, and just turn on the lights like normal! :relieved:

They're cool when we throw the odd house party though.


ClioSport Club Member
I found a good deal which I got instead. B&Q have £15 off when you spend over £100, so I got a Bloom and a Light Strip for £105 all together. Going to buy a bridge off eBay separately.


ClioSport Club Member
So I went and picked up the lights yesterday and set them up - they are so awesome! Well worth the money and I am already planning to buy a couple more. The strip lights went round the TV pretty easily and with no extravagant looping required, as these are pretty flexible. Had a couple of friends over last night and they thought the lights were brilliant as well.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Seen some on here but anymore pictures of around the TV lights? Wouldn't mind doing this tbh but my TV has a huge gap between it and the wall, not sure it'd look so great?


ClioSport Club Member
My TV isn't very close to the wall but it still looks fine I think. From the front:



How its stuck on:





ClioSport Moderator
That looks amazing @realnumber 1.

have you bluetacked the Iris or anything like that in case the bass shakes them off the speaker.

There is now another app to rival huedisco but annoyingly It only runs on IOS and I have android. Cant remember the name but it works by analysing the track before playing it so that it can make the timing of the lights spot on rather than having a tiny bit of lag like huedisco. Need to try it on my Ipad sometime. Anyone know the name of it.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
That looks amazing @realnumber 1.

have you bluetacked the Iris or anything like that in case the bass shakes them off the speaker.

There is now another app to rival huedisco but annoyingly It only runs on IOS and I have android. Cant remember the name but it works by analysing the track before playing it so that it can make the timing of the lights spot on rather than having a tiny bit of lag like huedisco. Need to try it on my Ipad sometime. Anyone know the name of it.

Cheers :smile:. No bluetack needed but I have them on an apple laptop cleaning cloth thing to prevent scratching the speakers. They weigh 20kg each, I've had them set way higher than would be comfortable for any length of time and they don't move a bit. Plus my sub in the bottom right takes most of the bass:wink:.

HueManic can listen to your player without the mic.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
That looks amazing @realnumber 1.

have you bluetacked the Iris or anything like that in case the bass shakes them off the speaker.

There is now another app to rival huedisco but annoyingly It only runs on IOS and I have android. Cant remember the name but it works by analysing the track before playing it so that it can make the timing of the lights spot on rather than having a tiny bit of lag like huedisco. Need to try it on my Ipad sometime. Anyone know the name of it.

Tried it, doesn't work very well imo.

I think the lighting behind the TV looks very pretty, but is there a point? Is it easier on the eyes? I have an eye disorder where I suffer from glaring quite badly... wonder if this could help. Do you tend to just keep it on the one colour?

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Tried it, doesn't work very well imo.

I think the lighting behind the TV looks very pretty, but is there a point? Is it easier on the eyes? I have an eye disorder where I suffer from glaring quite badly... wonder if this could help. Do you tend to just keep it on the one colour?

Generally less eye strain and no reflection on the screen.

I have mine set to a normal light with the one behind my sofa on also most of the time but then you can change the type of white colours too when you fancy a change (warm/cold etc...)
Mess about with the colours mainly when chilling later in the evenings..


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Anyone use f.lux? Just installed it to match Night Shift on iOS.

Have noticed it can control your Hue lights too :) my computer's usually in a different room to my Hue lights but will definitely give this a go if I expand them further!
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200

That's the one I've bought today.

I've got 3 blooms, and 2 iris aswell as a bridge

I've always loved the look of these but don't fully understand how they work.

So in the kit linked by James, you get 1 x 2M strip of LED's and a power adapter/plug.

So am I right in saying, I can plug this strip in behind my sofa, buy one of these:

And then from my phone I can control what colours and how bright I want them?

If I want another strip behind my other sofa, I just buy another kit like @james24785 linked, plug in, and can control that separate from my phone?

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy

Yup once you've got a bridge connected to your router, you just keep adding lights on. Think a bridge can control 50 lights. At that point you need a 2nd bridge.

Cheapest was is to buy a starter kit. Think the bloom kit comes with 2 blooms and a bridge for £100 when on offer. Then extra blooms are £50. The iris pops up for £50 now and then. The 2m lightstrip is on offer today for £40 which is a fair saving over their usual price
