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phone memory card locked???

  Polo + Micra
well basicly i droped my phone in a pint on saturday night:eek:.

looked f**ked so took out sim card and mem card and left it there.

now got my new phone put mem card in and it's asking for a password:S.

now for the life of me can't remember it and it would be nice to use the card again.

is there anyway i format it to remove the password? (don't mind losing whats on it)

or is it a case of taking it to one of "those" mobile shops


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Dink said:
well basicly i droped my phone in a pint on saturday night:eek:.

looked f**ked so took out sim card and mem card and left it there.

now got my new phone put mem card in and it's asking for a password:S.

now for the life of me can't remember it and it would be nice to use the card again.

is there anyway i format it to remove the password? (don't mind losing whats on it)

or is it a case of taking it to one of "those" mobile shops

what was ya old phone and what is ya new phone???

there is a way round it, depending on ya phone and keeping all the stuff on the card
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
What kind of memory card is it? i would say your best bet might be to put it in a card reader and do a low level format on it.. Cheapo USB 1000 in 1 card readers are what.. £8 now? :)


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
MikeDX said:
What kind of memory card is it? i would say your best bet might be to put it in a card reader and do a low level format on it.. Cheapo USB 1000 in 1 card readers are what.. £8 now? :)

there are better ways round it but depends on the phone
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
Well he says he doesnt mind losing whats on it, and he has a new phone anyway.

Besides which, he may just be able to read the data straight off, format the card, then put the data back on.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
MikeDX said:
Well he says he doesnt mind losing whats on it, and he has a new phone anyway.

Besides which, he may just be able to read the data straight off, format the card, then put the data back on.

true but if he has a nokia i have a symbian app that can read passwords,

so he can just use that and then enter the password.

but then again he might not have a nokia LOL
  Polo + Micra
lol it was a 6230 replaced with an 6230i

tried it in a card reader but computer says no (even winhex couldn't read it:S)


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Dink said:
lol it was a 6230 replaced with an 6230i

tried it in a card reader but computer says no (even winhex couldn't read it:S)

well the mmc card could be buggered

this app i have only works on symbian enabled nokias

so it wont work on the 6230i - do you know anyone with a 6600????
  Polo + Micra
N70?? they use the same cards???

no the card reader said there was a card in there just couldn't read it


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Dink said:
N70?? they use the same cards???

no the card reader said there was a card in there just couldn't read it

yeah load this app onto the phone, put the mmc in the phone and try the app. if it dont work let me know cos ive got two different apps
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  Polo + Micra
kk nice one.

i'll have to get back to you about the other one if it don't work as i won't see him till later
  Focus ST-2
Formating it won't lose the password, i tried that when mine asked for a password, did f**k all still asked for it. tried loads of applications to try and get the password, it was a nokia 6600. so just chucked it out and got one of ebay for about 5 buck.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Aberclio182 said:
Formating it won't lose the password, i tried that when mine asked for a password, did f**k all still asked for it. tried loads of applications to try and get the password, it was a nokia 6600. so just chucked it out and got one of ebay for about 5 buck.

there is a symbian app that works, has been tried and tested
