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Photography Chat and Questions Thread


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Back home now and messing about with my camera, i can now see images on my LCD screen after i've taken a shot on M mode and TV mode, I'm baffled on what's going on? Also i can see on M mode the exposure compensation works differently, how does it work on this mode?

Am i doing something wrong to get pure white pictures on my display?


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
this was taken outside just now, you can almost see the outline of the building
30 second exposure at F22 ISO 200 in TV mode iirc


  • IMG_5409.JPG
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Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
At the moment, stay away from manual mode.
I assume you weren't using an ND filter. You have massively overexposed.

When you are using AV mode the camera will do everything for you. You set it to f22 it will set the iso and the shutter accordingly.

When you set the shutter speed to 30 seconds in TV there isn't enough aperture and low iso to compensate for the super long exposure hence the white images. You should notice the exposure meter showing as over exposed in the view finder. That's telling you it will be over exposed. You need to bring your shutter speed down until it sets at the correct exposure.

When you use manual, you have pretty much the same as TV mode but with the option to mess it up even more.

Stick with AV for now.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
At the moment, stay away from manual mode.
I assume you weren't using an ND filter. You have massively overexposed.

When you are using AV mode the camera will do everything for you. You set it to f22 it will set the iso and the shutter accordingly.

When you set the shutter speed to 30 seconds in TV there isn't enough aperture and low iso to compensate for the super long exposure hence the white images. You should notice the exposure meter showing as over exposed in the view finder. That's telling you it will be over exposed. You need to bring your shutter speed down until it sets at the correct exposure.

When you use manual, you have pretty much the same as TV mode but with the option to mess it up even more.

Stick with AV for now.

I wasn't using a ND filter no, been reading about them and not too sure what make and type to go for. I don't want it too dark and don't want to pay a fortune as i need a 52mm and a 77mm for my next possible lens.

I went to a local beach to try and do some blurry water like what you lot do, i didn't expect this to happen get a white screen, inexperienced i guess. So to overcome this all i wan't is a ND filter for me to use on AV mode to increase the shutter lenth or on any other mode? I can't remember if i did put it in AV mode at first. I did notice that the Exp Com was +2 like in full Manuel but in TV i set it at -2 but was still white.

Edit. I'll have another look on the filter sticky
  Italian 3.2 V6
geddes, shooting in manual mode - bring your iso right down to 100, also bring your aperture down to around f/5.6. a 30 second shutter speed is wheeey too long during the daylight with no ND filters. so speed the shutter speed right up until you can see images on your lcd, see how that goes, then alter the shutter speed to suit the lighting, longer shutter for low light, quicker shutter for bright lighting. try going to the beach when the sun is setting/set as the natural light won't be a bright which will allow you to get blur motion shots of the water at the beach.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I'm thinking of popping over again to the beach tomorrow it's only a 30 mins drive like. I'll have another go as i know more about it now.

Thanks people just panicked a bit. In all serous though i have been using AV mode since Jan i know it's the main mode to use 95%+ of the time

It has been quit cloudy today i've been using ISO 200-400 mainly 200 and at around F8-F12. For both close up and landscape. Tomorrow after seeing some photos on the pc i could have done things differently like
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  Cayman S Edition 1
Catching up with one of my friends tomorrow evening who I used to shoot a bit when I first started out in 2012. Not done a glamour shoot since Sept last year, so feeling a tad rusty!
Catching up with one of my friends tomorrow evening who I used to shoot a bit when I first started out in 2012. Not done a glamour shoot since Sept last year, so feeling a tad rusty!
If you need any help, holding a flash, warming up etc... just ask ;-)


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Had a dirty sensor the about 3 weeks ago and got it sorted locally and went down to the beach last weekend and it was proper windy and changed the lenses a few times and noticed when looking through the view finder a few specs of dirt on Friday so i took it down to the place again today. He said the dirt isn't on the sensor but cleaned it anyway, quit annoying seeing the little grains of what ever it is through the viewfinder

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
The main thing is do they show on your images?
I have dirt in the view finder which looks horrible but doesn't effect the image.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
i've taken some pics inside but i couldn't see nowt showing but there really obvoius on the view finder like.

I'm going to take some shots of a bridge tomorrow and we'll see for sure
I'm thinking of selling my 2011 550D as I barely use it these days and we have a 600D that we share when we go anywhere.

It's pretty well used shall we say though with trim bits missing or hanging off and a few minor scratches. It's done about 45k acctuations too.

Not sure if I should sell as is, or fix the trim issues. Will I get much more cash anyway? Any thoughts?


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Back in January when i visited Crook Hall in Durham for some pictures. On the way out the lady who works there asked me if i took any nice pictures. I said i just started a photography course, then she says email them to us and we'll have a look at them at maybe get them up on their website.

I haven't been in contact with them since and would like to go further, what should i do email them and say i can pop down and show you what i've taken and go from there? Should i be just generous and give her the photos or is there more to it? I have no idea if my pictures are any good to them at all.

Though and ask if anyone done this sort of thing before.

Also been looking at a photography magazine and Urbex came up and didn't know what it was and just googled it. Seems quit interesting like.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3

i took this quickly after work as it was spitting then it rained so i left it until tomorrow. Was my first time using the ND filter just then. What's the proper way to use the camera after you screwed it on? I.E adjust the settings,focus and so on? I just did look through the view finder then Live View then got the compusre then, focused then put the ND filter on the changed the Aprature then fired the shot.

Be going back tomrorrow for a few more shots different angles with my 50mm hopefully rain holds off.

Setings were F5.6 ISO 200 and 25 secs Shutter

Any feed back of this shot? I edited on Photoshop too
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i took this quickly after work as it was spitting then it rained so i left it until tomorrow. Was my first time using the ND filter just then. What's the proper way to use the camera after you screwed it on? I.E adjust the settings,focus and so on? I just did look through the view finder then Live View then got the compusre then, focused then put the ND filter on the changed the Aprature then fired the shot.

Be going back tomrorrow for a few more shots different angles with my 50mm hopefully rain holds off.

Setings were F5.6 ISO 200 and 25 secs Shutter

Any feed back of this shot? I edited on Photoshop too

You have another to show at your club now mate.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
It's got the thumbs up then? i took another 5 shots one of them had the lens cap on still and the other ones weren't focused in properly cos when i was putting on the filter. I'll try it in Bulb mode basicly try and experiment eh

I this ones ok then i'll add it to my 5 shots for class.

Thanks people


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Went back again just now, car parked up to the left of the Mill. Couldn't get a better shot. Did manage to get longer exposures using the cable i got some in between 25 and 60 secs.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Well had really good positive feedback from the the Boss in class just now and the other pupils. I'm quit chuffed. Think the best one they liked was the Fulling Mill Post#1456.

I'm getting a new lens as a present in a months time and i'm 50/50 on the 24-70 L IS USM or the 24-105 L IS USM. I know the 24-70 is dearer. Quit a bit down the line i know i will be getting a L series ultra wide angle lens say for eg 17-40 for my landscapes. But for the times being i want a better lens to replace my 18-55 and i know i need to x1.6 with it being APS-C. What do you lot recommend?


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I'm  the Biggest.jpg

What's people's thoughts on this, took this tonight and for the first time I've done selective colouring.
  Italian 3.2 V6
Guys Iv not used my 5d for what seems absolute time ago! Must be start of feb since I last used it :(

Were are these monthly comps!? I need some inspiration!!!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Just been searching again online prices for the 24-105mm L series and found this

Cracking price, anyone used them before? Looked at the comments seems good and guarentee. Also comes in a white box is this normal coming in a white box? Would of expect to come in a Canon box like my 50mm is this because it's a kit lens for the 5D?
White box means it's part of a kit. That's what mine came in when I got my 6d inside the 6d box.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Thanks for that Aaron, at first i thought it was like copies. I use to sell lexus style tail lights years ago where they use to be in white boxes i.e. cheap.

This morning looked at the Cameras price list and kit bundles. Cracking price on the 6D body only, is it worth pulling out extra £££ for the 5D? I'll be selling my camera Canon 500D when a good opportunity comes along.
  Cayman S Edition 1
Don't think I've taken a shot with the 5D for two months now. Completely lost all interest and motivation for photography which is a real shame.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Don't think I've taken a shot with the 5D for two months now. Completely lost all interest and motivation for photography which is a real shame.
Need to get some competitions on here soon as to keep the interest going


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I'm jealous of how well and quick you're picking this up.

I've been having a go for nearly two years and im still s**t 😧

lol thanks, i feel like i'm going at 500 mph taking in all the info and going out every weekend and most nights after work taking pics for the past 3-4 months. Feel limited on the lens that i got 18-55mm and 50mm on a cropped sensor. Really need a new zoom lens with a ND filter and i think that will improve my confidence. I feel like i've got way more to show.

I've always liked taking pictures since about 2008 on a small digi camera and had no idea what i was doing just point and shoot on full auto. I have to say i'm really enjoying it and see how far i can get. I'd like to go Pro one day with guidance.
  MX5, A4 Avant
Just been searching again online prices for the 24-105mm L series and found this

Cracking price, anyone used them before? Looked at the comments seems good and guarentee. Also comes in a white box is this normal coming in a white box? Would of expect to come in a Canon box like my 50mm is this because it's a kit lens for the 5D?
Not a lot of help but I've got a 24-105L and it's a great do-all lens. Razor sharp too.

Whilst we're on the subject,


Any other film photographers on here?


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Yeah will be still getting this lens in the next couple weeks, seems to be a good one to get.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
When i'm out and about like in Durham city with my camera out on a tripod, i feel daft sometimes or when i'm walking about with my camera round my neck. Do you lot feel natural taking pictures especially with people. I don't feel comfortable taking pics of people when i'm in close range.

Also one more thing on Flickr, i need to know how i can upload a picture then say later on upload another picture and put it in the same group on the main Flickr page.Like sub pics on the left side of the main big picture.

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