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Photoshop Request - Trophy wheels

Evening chaps and chapesses,

Would one of you PS wizzards be so kind as to 'shop these wheels into a few colours.

I have a track set that I'm DIY refurbing next week so thought I'd go for something a bit different for no reason other than they'll not see the road and not many trophy's have particularly adventurous colour schemes.

Initial thoughts:

Porsche Mexico Blue
Renault Storm Grey
Focus RS Green
Renault Capsicum Red
Cream (~of an unknown description lol)


Trophy on 15's_09 by Sam_Wick, on Flickr



Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Please do them pink. Will match the door handles.


ClioSport Club Member




They're not the best! And I couldn't for the life of me do a cream version :(
Cheers Ben! I'm swaying towards blue!

I loved bombers on multicoloured wheels but I'd feel like I was ripping it off big time lol!


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
Sack the F1's off and do what dave should have done...


  Clio Trophy
please tell me you are not selling your trophy alloys because u are keeping them on there?? :(
please tell me you are not selling your trophy alloys because u are keeping them on there?? :(

Trophy turinis are up for sale to free up garage space. I have two sets of f1's.

1x silver with pe2's for road
1x currently undefined blue with R888's for track

I honestly prefer the drive on 15's, that combined with the tyre price saving and the fact I think I'll keep 067 for the foreseeable future it really is a no brainier to get rid.

In terms of visual appeal I'd ideally like to swap to 15" turinis or 2118s.
  Clio Trophy
seems like a waste, will devalue the car when you come to sell it, will put people off buying it


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Snore. Trophy's are worth no more than a pack of biscuits now anyway. Do them pink Sam.
seems like a waste, will devalue the car when you come to sell it, will put people off buying it

Yeah, I'm aware of that fact and it was a consideration so I completely take your point.

But I'm very limited on storage space and I won't be selling it any time soon so I might as well enjoy it how I want to. If I do I will repurchase a set prior to sale.


ClioSport Club Member
Sam, your behaviour is simply unacceptable! You drive a Trophy FFS, you must conform, it must remain standard or you face dire consequences.

Who the hell do you think you are carrying out modifications at the top of the CS layer cake? It's a Trophy, not a cheap, French hot-hatch. Get with the program, man.

  Clio Trophy
not getting at him for modifying, just saying it be better to keep the orignal parts for when sale time comes round
Hahaha that's properly made me chuckle Tim.

Some horrific blue rattle cans have been purchased and most of the prep work is done. No going back now!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Titanium Ph1 172
Out of those colours, blue.

But gold is a good shout too!
