I have fitted mine with no issues what so ever, great bit of kit. I have yet to be for a thrash but its great. It took me just over 1 and a half hours from jacking the car up to putting it back down. The only complaints are slight knock on the tunnel going into reverse (this doesn't bother me in the slightest and could be resolved partially with slim head bolts) and the other was some of the plating on mine was missing/badly done (again doesn't really bother me as its not that bad)
I set the linkage by myself but I was up and down like a fiddlers elbow. I have set it up with 2nd at the rearmost point it can be without the spherical running out of movement. The shifter has allowed me to move the seat back two clicks back to the furthest possible distance on the seat sliders I have which I couldn't before. I'm chuffed there are no fitting issues like had been said and thanks to Phil for organising and Pure for making yet another quality product.
I took a few pictures and I have a rubbish video too.
Instead of using silicone like Pure recomend I used sticky back foam as mine will be coming out from time to time.
Snipped and bent back heat shield to avoid contact.
There's no mention of it on Pure's fitting instructions but you actually have to cut standard selector boot to be left with this.
Some had complained of circlip falling out, the end of a 3/8's extension is perfect for seating the circlip (no need for bottle jacks Phil lol)
Quick video from inside. For all you Jessie's that complained of it not returning to centre, mine has started to after only 30 mins of playing.