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Project Binky - mini 4x4 turbo celica engine

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I assume they are getting decent money to be stringing this out for so long.


ClioSport Club Member
I find them infuriating, it's like they deliberately go out of their way to ignore the plethora of off the shelf solutions and make things hard for themselves.

Yeah feeding solder through a 3d printer and fannying around with Arduinos makes for watchable content but it's proper Heath Robinson maplins shite.

Tolman have the right idea with their 205 LCD dash.. a much more elegant solution that won't break when a bit of vibration rattles the solder traces off the board

TFT dash.jpg


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I find them infuriating, it's like they deliberately go out of their way to ignore the plethora of off the shelf solutions and make things hard for themselves.

Yeah feeding solder through a 3d printer and fannying around with Arduinos makes for watchable content but it's proper Heath Robinson maplins shite.

Tolman have the right idea with their 205 LCD dash.. a much more elegant solution that won't break when a bit of vibration rattles the solder traces off the board

View attachment 1716358
'Here's us intricately laying solder trace onto a fibreglass board'

'Here's us lifting the entire f**king trace off the board to solder in the components'

I've no idea why they didn't just have the boards plated, or screen printed. Or just done it right from the beginning...


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
'Here's us intricately laying solder trace onto a fibreglass board'

'Here's us lifting the entire f**king trace off the board to solder in the components'

I've no idea why they didn't just have the boards plated, or screen printed. Or just done it right from the beginning...
Because it's a breadboard. It's not going to be used in the final build where they'll use a proper PCB. Want to redesign part of it? Rather than bin the whole thing, you just peel off the bit of trace you want to redesign and print again.

Granted they probably should have made it clearer that this isn't going to be driven around with at the beginning, but it was pretty obvious that it's not going to last more than 30 seconds of driving before it wobbles the traces off.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Because it's a breadboard. It's not going to be used in the final build where they'll use a proper PCB. Want to redesign part of it? Rather than bin the whole thing, you just peel off the bit of trace you want to redesign and print again.

Granted they probably should have made it clearer that this isn't going to be driven around with at the beginning, but it was pretty obvious that it's not going to last more than 30 seconds of driving before it wobbles the traces off.
There's much simpler ways to go about that than 3d printing solder onto a fibreglass board.

I never said these were going on the car, did I?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Yep, in part people watch to see how they can do stuff with hobby grade tools, soon as they started with needlessly complex solutions to simple problems I lose all interest.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
soon as they started with needlessly complex solutions to simple problems I lose all interest.
Literally like Episode 1 then?

The entire build is completely overcomplicated, everything done to 11. I literally know of two cars (mini + clio) that have been Impreza swapped, run, raced, crashed, set on fire, rebuilt, and then sold on/stripped in the time that they've taken to build Binky. But those cars aren't built with anything near the same attention to detail. The clio's dashboard was mounted in a biscuit tin.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Literally like Episode 1 then?

The entire build is completely overcomplicated, everything done to 11. I literally know of two cars (mini + clio) that have been Impreza swapped, run, raced, crashed, set on fire, rebuilt, and then sold on/stripped in the time that they've taken to build Binky. But those cars aren't built with anything near the same attention to detail. The clio's dashboard was mounted in a biscuit tin.

I’d be fine with it if it was a good engineering solution but it wasn’t given the plethora of good ways to prototype electronics on offer to hobbyist nowadays.

I’d of much rather seen them breadboard it then produce some actual pcbs, Christ I’ve watched the guy over on spend hours building electronics up from scratch much more interesting.


ClioSport Club Member
I think the thing to remember is that it's experimental, and a lot of it is done just to see if it can be done that way, or if they can do it. At the end of the day, it's still a hobby project, not an F1 car, so I can't begrudge them doing it their own way.

The timescale is getting a bit old now though. I know it's not a full-time thing, but it would be nice if they actually finished it and did some other things.


ClioSport Club Member
Lol, overcomplicated nonsense is still nonsense.

What are the chances even if they do get it running, it fails to perform?


ClioSport Club Member
I enjoyed it, it was fun and a diverting way to waste a bit of time.

The “cutting a dash” joke alone was worth the price of admission. Which, admittedly, was nothing. But still.


ClioSport Club Member
They’ve gotten more boring in the time they’ve been away.
Waste of effort doing all that solder wiring bullshit, just breadboard like normal people, finalise your design and send it to pcbway or something and get prototype 1 made. Run that and enjoy the car and if something doesn’t work amend for prototype 2. They money they spent in all those electronics could have easily covered the cost of a few protoype PCB’s

It was cool, don’t get me wrong, interesting, but waiting 12months + for content that gets them only slightly further forward than they were 13 months ago is a waste of time and effort.

I’d be pretty pissed if I was a patreon supporter tbh. Unless they dont take payment when there are no videos.

Enjoyed the super fast Matt joke tbf


ClioSport Club Member
Lol, overcomplicated nonsense is still nonsense.

What are the chances even if they do get it running, it fails to perform?

I mean, basically the whole project and video series is overcomplicated nonsense. There are YouTubers out there that have probably built 50 cars in the time it's taken BOM to get this far, so I don't think anyone should be surprised that they're still f**king about on stupid s**t.


ClioSport Club Member
I mean, basically the whole project and video series is overcomplicated nonsense. There are YouTubers out there that have probably built 50 cars in the time it's taken BOM to get this far, so I don't think anyone should be surprised that they're still f**king about on stupid s**t.

I could get it if the final product was some fantastically quick car that goes onto dominate a race series. or even if the whole thing was just advertising the skills their business has.

but lots of it is overcomplicated and a waste of time, I can't see it severing either purpose.


ClioSport Club Member
  Did have a R27
I’ve seen people restore warbirds that have crashed into the ground quicker.


ClioSport Club Member
I could get it if the final product was some fantastically quick car that goes onto dominate a race series. or even if the whole thing was just advertising the skills their business has.

but lots of it is overcomplicated and a waste of time, I can't see it severing either purpose.

I think that's just who they are though. It's an experiment, a bit of fun, something for them to try things with. They're doing it because they can, not because it's necessarily the best way to do things. Let's face it, if they'd set out to build the best car ever, they wouldn't have built a Mini with Celica running gear.


ClioSport Club Member
I wouldn’t class them as “YouTubers”, just a couple of blokes with quirky senses of humour and actual jobs who are sharing their distinctly OCD projects.

I find it hard to get worked up about the content one way or the other, I just find it an enjoyable watch. The whole thing is shot through with stupidly complex solutions and rework, I’ve found it a lot less interesting since they finished the major mechanical work but it is what it is.

I‘m really keen to see more of the Escargot.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Oh and that MG Xpower SV they had too. Very cool cars… never to be seen again.

I wouldn’t say I’m a massive fanboy, but it’s about 50% Wallace and Gromit engineering and 50% Naked Gun references and that appeals to my sense of humour.
