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Protection Light On My Amp Keeps Coming On!


ClioSport Club Member
i just wired up my sub and amp and wen u swithc on the sub sometimes kicks in for a split second that dies, then u get a red protection light! also the sub soudns really s**t for the split secodn that it is on. any ideas? btw i cant garantee that the sub and amp work ok as i bought them snd hand. any help wud b great, cheers
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
The protection circuit normally does three things.
1) checks the battery supply voltage is sufficient. should be 13.8 volts.
2) checks the output impedence is within tollerance. should be 2-16 ohms.
3) checks for short circuits.

If any of those are out, then there is your problem.

You can check 1) with a volt meter. 2) with a known good load (ie working speaker) and 3) by checking over the wiring and 2) above. ( a blown up speaker will present the short circuit to the amps output.)

The other possibility is you are over-driving it. Check output rating of the source (H/U) and input requirement of the amp.
Good luck:cool:


ClioSport Club Member
BrianR said:
Should have asked......what make are the bits in question ?

the amp is voodoo (yes i know i have never herd of it either!:S ), the sub is pioneer 10", i reckon the sub is fuked as it is second hand and it comes on for a few seconds b4 the amp dies, and whilst it is on for a few seconds it is very s**t, sounds like it is dying! lol so im guessing that ur number 3 is my problem, blown speaker! now i just need 2 find some1 with a good speaker 2 check this!


ClioSport Club Member
my amp isnt even on there lol, probs well old. yeh it does seem that the sub has probs been overpowered at some stage and blown therefore causing a short circuit? as it pumps a few times and sounds really rough b4 the amp dies.
  Rb 182
Try turning the gain down a tad and moving the earth to a better place. Where is it earthed at the moment????


ClioSport Club Member
i have tried fiddlign with all those settings, i dnt even knwo what they mean! it is earthed to the side wall of boot under where the wheel brace goes, i scraped of the paint and used a self tapping screw to secure the crimp lug.
  Polo + Micra
can you try the sub on a different amp(even a hi-fi at low volumes) just to eliminate it as i think that the amp might be the problem


ClioSport Club Member
how wud i do that dink? just plug the sub into the speaker outlets on a stereo? what should happen? just get bass through it?
  Polo + Micra
nah you'll get full range through it but if it sounds ok then it's the amp making it sound as though it's fucked


u could see if the remote wire is ok. (skinny blue 1) check ya earth.i had probs on my old clio so unscrewed the boot latch and screwed it on to that! or could be the channel is blown or it is proper fcuked turkish. Try another speaker on the channel in question (use a house speaker if u dont have anything else)



ClioSport Club Member
the remote wire must be ok because them ap turns on and off wen i connect/disconnect it, also my earth shud b good if changed it now its defo a good connection

i have an old hi fi speaker wud this work?


ClioSport Club Member
ok i just got my old hifi speakers out and tried them, same s**t, u get a couple of seconds of low cackle then protection light, also if i disconnect all speakers and turn the amp off then on again it cuts 2 protection without even doign anything, them amp must b fucked right? now i have 2 try and get my money back off the guy that sold it 2 me!
does the amp turn on and stay on with no protection when the sub is disconnected?
whats the power ratings of the sub/amp?


ClioSport Club Member
no, whether or not the sub is connected the amp goes to protection mode after a few seconds

which means that it has nothing to do with the sub? and im 99% sure my wiring is good as im an electrician lol which only leaves the amp at fault, i just rang the guy (who works in halfrauds ice department btw) and he says he is coming mine after work and he will take the amp away if it is fucked and giv me another 1 possibly 2nite or within 2 days, cnt really fault him as he is being really helpful


try the new amp if it dont work means ya a dodgy


ClioSport Club Member
but it wudnt b the sub if the amp goes into protection mode without the sub connected wud it?


i have blown up a few subs but cant remember the pro light comin on. just a cloud of smoke and it sounded shat.i did have a amp i borrowed off my bro and that was wa*ked the channels were fcuked that made it sound kak to???????????
  Polo + Micra
the amp is fucked

if it goes into protect without a load connected the output transistors are prolly f.u.b.e.r
