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PS3 Network upgrade

  top of the pyramid
"PLAYSTATION®Network upgrade: Tuesday 08 May

Over the next few weeks, some new and exciting changes will take place in the PLAYSTATION®Store. In preparation for this, both PLAYSTATION®Network and PLAYSTATION®Store need to be taken offline for a short while to allow us to carry out the upgrade and maintenance work.

This is scheduled to take place between 16:00 and 19:00 BST (17:00-20:00 CEST) on Tuesday 8th May 2007.

If you are already logged into an online game during this time, you will most likely find that you can continue playing as normal, but you will not be able to log in or start a new game until full service has been restored. You will also not be able to access the Store during this maintenance window.

We are hoping to complete this work in as short a time as possible and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. But remember that these enhancements are paving the way for new and exciting content that we have planned for the Store!"

wonder what they are going to add/ change?
  C-VXR. Once owned a Clio
i hope they try and make things more like xbox live!

e.g. Checking ur messages whilst playing games
Well Xbox live currently knocks Sony's offering into a cocked hat... so it stands to reason that they may try and emulate it.
  SLK 350
And that's because it's been developed for longer, and...costs you ££££.

Give it 6 months or more and I reckon they'll have PS1/PS2 titles for download, along with Sony (perhaps other studio) films for viewing.

End of the day I couldn't give a monkeys who offers what, the fact is there is a choice for people and that can only be a good thing.


  911 GTS Cab
And that's because it's been developed for longer, and...costs you ££££.

Give it 6 months or more and I reckon they'll have PS1/PS2 titles for download, along with Sony (perhaps other studio) films for viewing.

End of the day I couldn't give a monkeys who offers what, the fact is there is a choice for people and that can only be a good thing.
they already have ps1 titles for download mate
  SLK 350
They do? :)

Haven't checked since midweek, have they updates the PS Store then? I'm waiting for Gaunlet II mind!


  911 GTS Cab
They do? :)

Haven't checked since midweek, have they updates the PS Store then? I'm waiting for Gaunlet II mind!
not sure if it was the US or the UK store I was browsing but one of them definitely had 2 pages worth, the one i remember was destruction derby, i think i may have seen gauntlet but can't remember.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
"PLAYSTATION®Network upgrade: Tuesday 08 May

Over the next few weeks, some new and exciting changes will take place in the PLAYSTATION®Store. In preparation for this, both PLAYSTATION®Network and PLAYSTATION®Store need to be taken offline for a short while to allow us to carry out the upgrade and maintenance work.

This is scheduled to take place between 16:00 and 19:00 BST (17:00-20:00 CEST) on Tuesday 8th May 2007.

If you are already logged into an online game during this time, you will most likely find that you can continue playing as normal, but you will not be able to log in or start a new game until full service has been restored. You will also not be able to access the Store during this maintenance window.

We are hoping to complete this work in as short a time as possible and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. But remember that these enhancements are paving the way for new and exciting content that we have planned for the Store!"

wonder what they are going to add/ change?
  Citroen DS3 DSport
They do? :)

Haven't checked since midweek, have they updates the PS Store then? I'm waiting for Gaunlet II mind!
not sure if it was the US or the UK store I was browsing but one of them definitely had 2 pages worth, the one i remember was destruction derby, i think i may have seen gauntlet but can't remember.

It was the US store, we currently have no schedule for when they will be available in the UK :(
  SLK 350
Yeh I saw them on the US Store last night under PS One Classics or something. However I then read I'd only be able to play them when logged onto my US account (not sure how true that is?). Also noticed Gauntlet on there too...yet no sign of it on the UK site, fking joke!

Hopefully whatever they're doing is going to rectify this stupid situation.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I wonder if we will see any visible changes today or if those will only happen during the coming weeks? The network is down now.
  SLK 350
I'm guessing giving the nature of the update and the time window they've allocated for it that there will be a major content delivery and/or a new framework for delivering the content. I'm pretty sure there isn't just one guy working on this alone (I hope).
  Citroen DS3 DSport
The wording of the original announcement describes the update today as in preparation for new content so it'll probably be non visible changes for now. Hopefully not though.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Hopefully we'll see some changes over the next couple of weeks.

I'm testing my new wifi keyboard with the PS3, posting this using it via the PS3 browser.
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  911 GTS Cab
Hopefully we'll see some changes over the next couple of weeks.

I'm testing my new wifi keyboard with the PS3, posting this using it via the PS3 browser.
wifi or bluetooth?

and using YDL or just the normal ps3?
  Citroen DS3 DSport
It's a wifi keyboard with trackpad I bought from ebuyer for £24 delivered. It's useable via YDL or the PS3 browser. There is noticeable lag from the keyboard when using the PS3 browser alone which can sometimes miss out letters. I mainly bought it for use with Linux and VLC so that I can browse and open media files easier.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
The update started at 5pm today and ended before 8pm. PSN store access returned around about that time. Perhaps they are now doing more updates if the store is once more offline?
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Hopefully we'll see the first change on Friday when Sony usually update the store :) I wish we knew what they were changing. It's possibly the platform for running Home when the public beta begins.
  SLK 350
Load of SH1TE again this week....nothing worth even speaking of!

However I had a nice surprise this morning when the postman arrived with my free copy of Casino Royale :)

Wasn't even expecting one because I've not even had an email from them stating I qualified. Happy days!
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Some new game vids :) Not all PS3 though.

SOCOM Confrontation:
Uncharted Drakes Fortune:
Heavenly Sword:
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Eye of Judgement:
Pain (PlayStation Network)
Conan the Barbarian
NBA 08
High Velocity Bowling (Playstation Network)
MLB 07: The Show

Ratchet & Clank: Future ToD 'Disco Ball'
God of War Chains of Olympus 'Ballista'
Sega Rally Revo 'Bumper Cam'
Lair 'Salvation' trailer
Folklore 'Mystery' trailer
Uncharted Drake's Fortune 'Debut'
LittleBigPlanet 'Customize' trailer
Silent Hill: Origins 'Intro' video
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 'Demo'
Folklore 'Brummbear' gameplay
Folklore 'Battle' gameplay
Folklore 'Boss Battle' gameplay
Heavenly Sword 'Last Man Standing' HD
Heavenly Sword 'Hack n Slash'
MLB 07: The Show 'Wrigley Field'
NBA '08 'Debut' trailer
Warhawk 'On Foot' gameplay
Warhawk 'Dogfight' gameplay
Eye of Judgement 'Attack' gameplay
Eye of Judgement 'Summon' gameplay
Pain 'Moral Panic' trailer
Pain gameplay: Pain gameplay
SEGA Rally PS3 gameplay: 1
Ratchet n Clank Future gameplay 2:
SOCOM Confrontation trailer:
  Citroen DS3 DSport
SOCOM looks brilliant.


I've just watched the Drakes Fortune trailer and it does look very good. Nice to see that the PS3 does have some great looking games in development.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Some more details for Warhawk and SOCOM. Good to see that Sony do plan on releasing a BT headset.

Multiplayer-only title Warhawk (pictured) will be given a public beta beginning on May 24 with the game slated for release this fall according to Shacknews. On its release the title will be available via a download from the PlayStation Store and as a boxed game through traditional retail sources. Consumers who purchase via stores will receive a bundled Bluetooth headset for in-game conversation.
Sony also announced that SOCOM Confrontation, another multiplayer-only game, will be available via the PlayStation Store this fall. The tactical warfare title will allow for 32-player online action and be supported by the release of regular online content updates.
  SLK 350
Nice, kinda like the idea of MP only games, especially if it allows them to push out quality titles more quickly.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
It's encouraging to read that Sony are working towards building a strong online community, hopefully it'll be as good as Live yet still remain free.
