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PS3 v X360

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Following up from another thread i was just reading, i thought i would do a review. As i have both.

If you want to play a game, get either. Their both the same. PSN is good, and so is Xbox live.

If you want to play a game that actually has good graphics, get a PC. MW2 looks pants on the PS3 compared to MW on the PC.

Advantages PS3 has over the X360 is the Bluray player, which is actually quiet nice. Also has a few other little features like a web browser and iPlayer, but then again nothing a PC can't do... better.

I don't see what this consol war is all about, don't see why people bum COD on them as its stupid - you run around aiming like a spastic trying to use the little joysticks, which means you generally are hitting the walls/floor/ceiling and anything but the player. But thats ok, because when you shoot their foot they die and then they get to watch it back on kill cam.

Next time i see someone say PS3 is better than Xbox, i will shoot you. It's not, it's the same. Vica versa.

Next time i see someone say that a PC is still the best, i will still completly agree.


ClioSport Club Member
You owe me 37 seconds of my life back...what a stupid post, everyone with half a brain knows the xbox is better...Pffft...


ClioSport Club Member

PS3 is better, fact.

Shame the sales figures don't reflect that.

Not having an xbox means you're the cheap c**t. I have 3, a wii, a ps3 and two PCs. Anyone who has both will say the xbox is the better all round machine. Even better than pc as it doesn't have to be constantly updated and isn't prone to viruses!! PS3 is only good for bluray, anyone who says otherwise doesn't have both or is mentally retarded. Fact. Lock thread.
  LY 200
Shame the breakdown figures dont reflect and back up what your saying either!

Off to bed i go! NIIIIIIIGHT!



ClioSport Club Member
Having being a critic of the Xbox, last week I finally lost my rag with the PS3.

GT5 still not out and pretty much any decent game coming out is always "Only on Xbox"

I bit the bullet and picked up a 360 elite. The only reason im keeping the PS3 is for the blu-ray because from now on I can only see myself playing Xbox.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
i have both i play the xbox more and seem to enjoy it more but the ps3 has more features.shame hddvd didnt take off xbox would be the winner
  57 Clio Campus Sport
You owe me 37 seconds of my life back...what a stupid post, everyone with half a brain knows the xbox is better...Pffft...


Shame the sales figures don't reflect that.

Not having an xbox means you're the cheap c**t. I have 3, a wii, a ps3 and a PC (not used for gaming) Anyone who has both will say the xbox is the better all round machine. Even better than pc as it doesn't have to be constantly updated and isn't prone to viruses!! PS3 is only good for bluray/watching HD programs, anyone who says otherwise doesn't have both or is mentally retarded. Fact. Lock thread.

Basicly a quote with a little editing to make it true for me.

P.s. Xbox has the best controller ever made! Better than stupid keyboard and mouse on pc!
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P.s. Xbox has the best controller ever made! Better than stupid keyboard and mouse on pc!

LOL. What a statement to make. How many words can you type per minute using an X360 controller? I also have a huge feeling i would outgame you, in any situation, with a mouse and keyboard. Fact.
  SLK 350
My Dad is STILL better than your Dad...

Console vs Console thread = ban, end.
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  clio 16v
Shame the sales figures don't reflect that.

Not having an xbox means you're the cheap c**t. I have 3, a wii, a ps3 and two PCs. Anyone who has both will say the xbox is the better all round machine. Even better than pc as it doesn't have to be constantly updated and isn't prone to viruses!! PS3 is only good for bluray, anyone who says otherwise doesn't have both or is mentally retarded. Fact. Lock thread.


I've got a PS3, 360 and a half-decent gaming PC. The 360 is the best all round gaming platform by some margin. I was a die hard PC fan until I got a free xbox in march and I havn't played a game on my PC since. Whilst a mouse is good for FPS it doesn't take long to get used to the sticks on a console controller.
  LY 200
Everyone knows the xbox owners are only xbox owners because the consoles cheap as chips in the first place.....FACT!

Cheap skate c***s FTFL.
Having being a critic of the Xbox, last week I finally lost my rag with the PS3.

GT5 still not out and pretty much any decent game coming out is always "Only on Xbox"

I bit the bullet and picked up a 360 elite. The only reason im keeping the PS3 is for the blu-ray because from now on I can only see myself playing Xbox.

Check out the 2009 Game of the Year awards on any site you care to choose mate, not only did the PS3 completly pwn the xbox, the xbox 'choices' didn't even include the 'also rans' on the PS3 choices!
  57 Clio Campus Sport
Everyone knows the xbox owners are only xbox owners because the consoles cheap as chips in the first place.....FACT!

Cheap skate c**ts FTFL.

Yer they cheap so you can buy 3 like I have and then get a ps3 on top and a wii just to sit there doing nothing. And first xbox and ps3 were bought release day so payed full price. £425 rip off for PS3 especially when I can get a media box for £80 that does all the stuff I use ps3 for
  LY 200
I think you geeks are confusing the majority that buy consoles with hardcore gamers - that I am not personally!

Any game I play (FIFA, Tiger Woods, NHL mainly) I can get on either console so why would I buy the cheap one with the s**t controller which I would have to pay extra to use online to just sit there and if I ever did decide to use it live in fear of it 'breaking'?

No logic in the average having the second rate Microsoft one aswell is there really!?
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Lol Jay it's like fishing with dynomite.

But seriously I'd only buy a ps3 for teh bluray. I've been using one at uni for months and I've been back on my 360 for Xmas. The controllers and XBL tip the scales for me. Controllers are personal choose which doesn't really count but XBL is leagues ahead. Trying to play online on PSN with a group is a nightmare.

  Better than yours. C*nt.
Forza Motorsport 3 is reason enough to buy a 360.

Crysis is the biggest justification ever for the fact that Consoles still suck ass when it comes to games.


ClioSport Club Member
FM3 is awesome. Can't believe you don't have it, Roy. Madness.

It's £30 now as well. And you don't need to own a PS3 to play it. Win/Win.
  Not got a car
PS3 Awesome, doesnt over heat and go wrong, and plays Blu-ray.

Both are better than any PC as graphics are so much better, never stuters and you dont have to keep up grading them to play the lastest games.

I have all 3, PS3 is the best and the one I would pick if i had to get rid of 2.

I do have the CODs on PC as I cant play them with a game pad, have to use mouse and keyboard.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Both are better than any PC as graphics are so much better, never stuters and you dont have to keep up grading them to play the lastest games.

lovely LOL.


Well, whilst waiting for the shops to open, I thought I'd have a little play, and grab some screen caps from Warhead. It's such an awesome game that it deserves as many as possible. Unfortunately I can't realistically use 4xAA, and they're jpegs so look a little ropey when viewed full size. Epic game. I need Crysis 2. Now. I may add some more caps later if any of the PC gimps are interested. Please add your own if you have any :eek:











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