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PS3 v X360

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  Revels Mum & Sister
PS3 Awesome, doesnt over heat and go wrong, and plays Blu-ray.

Both are better than any PC as graphics are so much better, never stuters and you dont have to keep up grading them to play the lastest games.

I have all 3, PS3 is the best and the one I would pick if i had to get rid of 2.

I do have the CODs on PC as I cant play them with a game pad, have to use mouse and keyboard.

PMSL at the Xbox graphics being better than a PC. That is just plain dumb. Ask Roy that question.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Aye. I'm not going to rise to the bigdick challenge. You'll lose, and I'll look nearly as stupid as you.

So I'll leave you to your consoles beat PC...
Lee your not really doing yourself any favours here, we all like a bit of banter but resorting to playground insults makes you look like a schoolboy. How old are you btw?
Errr. No.

It's the consoles fault because it's overheated and wont turn on.

Luckily for me though you dont work at Customer Service and deny that this actually happens.

Exactly why I hate Sony!!!

My bro's box has just fried for the 2nd time (he has a 1st gen console though).
(As my Elite has never failed!)

And he's looking into PS3, so I warned him if it f**k's up, Sony will deny it and make you pay for a refurbed console.
  LY 200
Mine fried once and after warranty had expired - Sony got me a new unit within 24 hours FOC!

Any console can break but the Sonys not as much as the Microsofts! There is a bird at work who seems to be sending her sons back every few months and she waits 'weeks' for it to return 'fixed'.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
At least Microsoft have owned up to the fault and are fixing it - even offering an extended warranty and giving people newer consoles in return! As opposed to Sony who flat deny any issues.
  a burnt one
Mine is a release day model too, i took out the extended 3 year warranty so i'm actually dealing with the insurance rather than Sony as i heard they stopped giving out replacements for those out of the manufacturers warranty and were charging something like £140

My only problem now is if it is repaired again it will no doubt break down at some point in the near future as the company only offer a 90 day warranty on repairs, if it is not repairable they will replace it with a new skinny model which, TBH i see as an inferior model, i'm one of the few who actually use the memory card slots and 4 USB ports.

I'd much rather have a cheque for the original purchase price of £424.99 but that's not gonna happen.


  911 GTS Cab
At least Microsoft have owned up to the fault and are fixing it - even offering an extended warranty and giving people newer consoles in return! As opposed to Sony who flat deny any issues.
lol, took them about 18 months and lots and lots of consoles to go wrong with the same problem before they were 'forced' to though, they denied it for a very long time with about half of consoles breaking with the same problem!

Then rather than fix the problem they just extended the warranty for that particular problem knowing it would happen to most people, hardly a good way of handling it.

If it was a car they would have had to fix the problem and recall them all to fix and make sure it didn't happen.

Mine died (with a shed load of ther people) after an update, MS denied there was a problem with the update but they pulled the update that night and then released it again a day later with the exact same identity code and denied they had changed anything and removed it, talk about a cover up.

I don't know any of my friends who have had an issue with a ps3, and my launch console has never missed a beat, but everyone i know with a 360 has had it replaced at least once, myself included.
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