Youre all sensible peeps, but I just thought it was worth mentioning the obvious...
Winter is well and truly on its way (had to scrape the windows this morning) so dont forget that NOW is the time to get those tyres and brakes checked. Lots of places do this for free so theres no excuse! Its also worth getting the tracking and wheel balancing checked - stay in 100% control!
Service not due just yet? Do it anyway. Fresh, new oil will prevent unwanted wear on cold start; drain your cooling system and refresh with new antifreeze. Keep your washer bottle topped up with plenty of screenwash - you dont want any frozen and cracked pipes!
Give the car a good wash and a serious polish. This will help keep all the nasty stuff off your paint - grit and salt from the roads will rot your car!
These simple things will keep your car tip-top and ready for spring.
Cheers for now