Was at a car meet today in Aberdeen, but my camera didnt have much battery So here is the pic of the day! Just the start, some other fairly nice machines also turned up
Was a 599, brand new white RS6, GTR, couple of other Gallardos were expected and a Veyron but I had to leave early FFS.
Was good having a close look at the Atom as I very nearly bought one instead of the Gallardo. Glad I didnt tbh. As cool as it is, the owner said he needs to realistically wear a helmet all the time, which I couldnt be bothered with..
Gold star to whoever guesses the car in the background!
Was a 599, brand new white RS6, GTR, couple of other Gallardos were expected and a Veyron but I had to leave early FFS.
Was good having a close look at the Atom as I very nearly bought one instead of the Gallardo. Glad I didnt tbh. As cool as it is, the owner said he needs to realistically wear a helmet all the time, which I couldnt be bothered with..
Gold star to whoever guesses the car in the background!