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R5 GTT or Clio 16v

Hello again!

Am a bit closer to buying a car, and its basically down to the two aforementioned cars. I know its a clio forum, but I thought Id attempt to get an unbiased opinion nonetheless.

The R5 is in good condition, owned by an elderly guy, and hes replaced all the running gear etc. with a huge history file.

The 16v is in fairly good condition, fsh, from a dealer.

I wouldnt mnd something turbod, but Ive been told lots about how fragile the R5 is. I guess you need to be fairly mechanically minded to own a GTT, which I aint...but I am willing to learn.

Opinions please, esp. from GTT or 16v owners!! Thanx:)

The GTT is 1200 squid. The clio is 1700 squid.

The 16v is more modern, with a stronger engine I guess, but is it more fun? Ive known quite a few people to sell their valvers for a GTT.

Anyone with a GTT on here?

There may not be that many people on here with GTTs but there are a growing number of people with clios with GTT engines in them. Maybe not completely what your after, but it could be something worth considering.


Quote: Originally posted by tomclio1.2 on 30 June 2003

16v more fun


I have owned both, GTT 1st but it was a nail and I needed a car for an everyday drive so I bought the 16v, but if you get a mint GTT then it will be alot more fun to drive, just need to be carefull with the mods.

But go for the best of both worlds and stick a GTT lump in a 16v shell like me!!

A clio with a GTT engine? I suppose that way Id get the best of both worlds?

Not really...the only thing that would deter me from getting a GTT is the reliability of the old pushrod engines, hence why I am considering a 16v.

I suppose I could always turbo the 16v if I wanted turbo power?!

There is nothing wrong with the pushrod engine itself, its just when it gets modded by people who dont know what they are doing then you will, probably have too much boost and thats when the headgasket will blow, if you look after a GTT properly then it will be as relibale if not more than a 16v.


I have read somewhere that the GTT engine, if treated well, can last well. I didnt think it would be more reliable than the 16v tho:eek:


GTT!! deffo!

i sold my williams to get a GTT... the car is so much more fun to drive.. smaller... and when the turbo kicks in... its like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIEEEEEEEEEE

hehe.... once they are lowerred... strut brace on front etc... they are mental for handling... i fly round corners now... and its just as fun to drive as the first time!!!

just a few pics to show ya mine
  Was a Clio 1.8 16v

I sold my Clio 16v to look for a turbo. Got a FRST cause i didnt want a French car again.

Main reason i made the move was u can mod a turbo car easirly and cheaply to get big power gains, however everything that makes a 16v get noticably quicker costs a fortune.

Eg. 16v cams: £600 Power gain: 15BHP if ur lucky & not much torque.

FRST cams: £250 Power gain: 20/25BHP and more torque IMO.

If u want more power i recommend a turbo, if not a Clio 16v is a mint car to drive.

Im guessing that the 16v cams cost more because, theres two cams to replace rather than one.

The thing is though, would a GTT be more inclined to blow up?

more inclined to blow up when?

100bhp/tr is a nice norm to hit, but add a turbo and that really has no meaning as 200bhp you can run safely on a GTT with the CORRECT parts and care. Bleed valves and cheap ass power gains are a waste of time and gauranteed way to eventually knacter any turbo.

ON its own the GTT is fine, nothing wrong with the design (considering its archaic) or manufacture, sure its heavy blah blah, but at the end of the day to get about 200bhp out of each will cost the same IF you know how to do it or where to go and that doesnt include the general ripoff mechants.

either, both can be great, both can be w**k, depends on you, the car and just how capable you are to keep it running sweet.


ClioSport Club Member
  Seat Leon Cupra

It depends what you want to use the car for i reckon. The 16v is better for cruising whereas the GTT is just mental acceleration, but feels quite tinny and lacking in the interior department. The 16v is expensive to tune, and a well looked after GTT engine is no worse and most jobs are cheaper/easier to do on it.

i had a gtturbo for 2 1/2 years with no problems at all, never broke down never had to replace a turbo/clutch headgasket etc cost me nothing in parts as i never had to replace anything on it, moral is if you find a mint one like i did and look after it youll be fine but the reason they have a bad reputation is because most of them have ended up being owned by muppets who dont have the money to look after them and service them properly and drive them hard from cold and never idle them, also as benr says bleed valves are usually bad news. normally means some prat has wound the boost right up on the standard turbo and h/gasket and it normally ends in tears

Quote: Originally posted by coolspot007007 on 30 June 2003

It depends what you want to use the car for i reckon. The 16v is better for cruising whereas the GTT is just mental acceleration, but feels quite tinny and lacking in the interior department. The 16v is expensive to tune, and a well looked after GTT engine is no worse and most jobs are cheaper/easier to do on it.
Originally, the intention was to get a more modern car to replace the 205, with the performance and driving to match, and the possibility of a turbo being desirable. But thats changed over the past few months, as my budget has been diminishing slowly as I spend it on a variety of useless things. So the 16v was the original plan, but the GTT has tempted me as its nostalgic for me.

GTTs are deffo cool. Cooler than a penguins pecker. A bit rarer than the valver too.

Hmmm. Maybe I can be greedy and have both!!;)

I had one for about 4 years, loved every minute of it (when it was going),its true what every one says if you buy a good condition one and are sensible (dont just wind the actuator out!), and look after it - does need a good looking over every month then theyre great. But as is to be expected the interior is vv 1980s but theres lots of little areas begging for extra dials, leds, etc.

After saying all that I have just got a brand new 172 (first wheel scuff this week-end :() and am loving it - its just nice to get stuck in traffic and not care, no checking all the guages and listening to the engine note, and the acceleration isnt all that different (turbo kicks in 3g up, 172 picks up from 4g)after saying all that I would love to have my 172 for the journies to work and the 5 for week-end thrashes.

Ive got a Clio (all be it not a 16v) and a GT Turbo. However I have driven a few valvers....

Id say everybody has to own an R5GTT at least once in their life! Driving one is so much fun! My mate has laid his scooby up for a bit after his gearbox went and now drives GTT, and he doesnt miss the scooby, and hes in no rush to fix it either...

OK the interior is a little dated now, but the seats are deffo comfier. A genuine 200bhp in an R5 will beat most things on the road once rolling (obviousally gonna be pants off the line unless you got a set of road legal slicks or something!)

  mk1 Ph2 Clio 16v turbo

Ive just bought an R5GTT, and its so much fun. Simple mechanics, the speedo dont work but its cool as f**k! and sounds like a scooby too


ClioSport Club Member

I had a valver for 6 months it was fun and looked good, but I thought there was something "missing". I swapped it for a R5 GTT cos I like turbos and yes it does pi55 me off sometimes, cos the sunroof leaks, the gearbox grinds, its got bits missing off the inside. Sometimes u do get problems with them, but if u get a decent one hopefully it wont be something u cant fix yourself. Ive learnt a lot about engines in the 6 months Ive had my R5, get urself a Haynes manual and hopefully ull be ok. The technology is old but in some ways I like that, and when u crank the boost up and cream some d1ckhead in a beemer it really does bring a smile to ur face.

They are a little bit impracticle for every day use (im using mine everyday to drive the mile or so 2 work) so the ideal solution would be to have one as a second car.

They are quick enough standard, but with a couple of safe DIY mods u should be able to make it quicker than a standard valver.
  Nippy white cup

TD172 Just hit the dash above the speedo m8...think its a diode or something that has gone. If in doubt, give it a clout!

Also I totally agree with Timrud. I felt I had to own one , Only had it for a year and it was an excellent year. *sniff sniff* Still miss that dump valve!


ClioSport Club Member

Conrad remember I was going to swap my 16v for ur gt? then u stacked it racing a porsche after u got ur T25??

U sold ur 5 yet?

:( sold it yesterday mate, yea i remember, great race cained the porker then stacked it about 5 min later (at least he didnt see me)

im lookin into another one as i cant live without, ive got me sensible clio now so it wont matter if it goes tits up in the gtt ill still have a half decent motor, nice ;)

I like the valver for its (slightly) better build quality, high revving, and great looks...but I just cant ignore the craziness of the R5 - the violently quick performance, and the sound of an aftermarket zorst, when you ease of the gas is fantastic, snap-crackle-and-pop!

Its either trade my 205 in for the clio or keep the 205 (I guess for use when the 5 might be off road!) and have a GTT as well.

Im actually quite surprised that for a clio forum, there havent been many people supporting the clio as a favoured choice!


ClioSport Club Member

End of the day a lot of people on here have owned either, or both and altought everyone might not want a GT - they can all appreicate them for what they are - cheap, fast, fragile thrills.

After all EVO said gave them 5 stars "The Clio Williams Grand Daddy"

If you like your 205 and want to take the concept a little further, then the 16V fits the bill. The package is pretty similar, except more refined, more forgiving at the extremes and possibly better built (?!). Its by no means a car without character - fat arches, a bonnet bulge, astounding handling and a manic power band say so.

The GT Turbo is almost the opposite in terms of power delivery and so you can see that people (like me) would ultimately like to have both in their garage.

Theyre two different hot hatches from two different eras of hot hatch production. I think that theres far greater difference in terms of driving character between the GT Turbo and 16V than there is between the 16V and 172 (both are NA suppose).

My own preference is for a Valver as I cant have both... but I know what Id have if I could.

I agree with Ben - its depends on what you want - more fun or more practicality! Both are fun and practical to a point but each more on one than the other!

You can have both with the 5. My 16v is going on saturday for good. And im collecting a 1.4rt clio with a GTT lump in it WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO

Quote: Originally posted by Hollywood Hogan on 30 June 2003

You can have both with the 5. My 16v is going on saturday for good. And im collecting a 1.4rt clio with a GTT lump in it WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO

Im going to take it for a spin tonight before you buy it I reckon!! See what damage I can do in just 5 minutes behind the wheel!

But just thinking on the negative side, one of the last cars Id want to have a crash in is a R5GTT!

It really depends what you want more from your car, grin factor, or reliability and a bit better build quality...


Quote: Originally posted by Ben H on 30 June 2003

If you like your 205 and want to take the concept a little further, then the 16V fits the bill. The package is pretty similar, except more refined, more forgiving at the extremes and possibly better built (?!). Its by no means a car without character - fat arches, a bonnet bulge, astounding handling and a manic power band say so.

The GT Turbo is almost the opposite in terms of power delivery and so you can see that people (like me) would ultimately like to have both in their garage.

Theyre two different hot hatches from two different eras of hot hatch production. I think that theres far greater difference in terms of driving character between the GT Turbo and 16V than there is between the 16V and 172 (both are NA suppose).

My own preference is for a Valver as I cant have both... but I know what Id have if I could.

I love the 205, but I planned to get something a bit more modern. I do like the high revving nature of 16valve engines.

I love Honda Vtecs, but cant really find any cheap ones not owned by rude boys, at the minute.

Theres no doubt 16vs look the biz. They are beautifully styled.

Quote: Originally posted by timrud on 30 June 2003

But just thinking on the negative side, one of the last cars Id want to have a crash in is a R5GTT!

It really depends what you want more from your car, grin factor, or reliability and a bit better build quality...


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Yeah, Id definately not like to have a crash in a R5...mind you I wouldnt want to have a crash in any car...but, know what you mean, there usually isnt much left of the car if you crash a R5.

I planned to get a car which would perform just as well as my 205, in terms of handling and accelleration. The replacement car would be used for driving up and down the country. So I didnt really think about the R5 at first.

But the one I seen was really well looked after. It does need a bit of work, but Im talking about cosmetic (the car not me!) work.

Good R5s at a reasonable price are somewhat difficult to find nowadays...and theres plenty of valvers about.

If youre piling on the miles you might be better of with my classic special the Citroen ZX Volcane TD with leather for well under £1000. Then spend the rest on a car to do up/use for leisure. The 16V probably takes better to the miles, but its difficult to find a perfect 16V as well - people tend to hold on to the minters!
