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R5 GTT or Clio 16v

if your worried about crashing just get a roll cage they start at about 120 from safety devices (spot the plug) also available for the 16v ;)

i will soon have both a 5 and a valver best of both worlds i cant wait!

for the matey with the speedo not working, on the lef bulk head in the bay is a black cyclindrical connector one end goes to speedo other to speed sensor (electronic) normally gets pretty gunky and connections break down pull it apart and see if a good clean does the job (although your 5 will start putting miles back on ;)), if the speedo is v erratic this is a defo.
  BMW 320d Sport

Both good motors. As a cross country, day-to-day, A-B car I would take the valver every time. Handles better than a 5 IMHO and as long as you keep it up in the powerband you can make pretty rapid progress around the B-roads. You wont feel like youre thrashing it cruising at 110 on the motorway, itll be just another day at the office for the mighty valver! I would also say that a valver is rarer than a 5 turbo by a long long way.

If youre into quarter miling and cheapish mods/maintenance, get a 5, without a doubt. The other thing is that Id rather buy a 5 from an old geezer with a lot of history for 1200, than pay a dealer 1700 for a 16v. If valvers go wrong, or are at that stage of life where everythings about to go wrong, its gonna be big money. No dealer will properly service the car, theyll just paper over the cracks and charge you £500-£1000 more than youd buy the same car privately for.

All things being equal Id get the valver, if you sit in one and then the other, youll see that the Clio is a hell of a lot more of a car than a 5. But things are not equal in this case, I dont trust dealers and the 5 sounds like a genuine motor. Id have a good look over the GTT, if it looks standard and well looked after, offer 1100 and drive it away.

Ok, Ive gone back to the car dealer (Hes actually an old school mate) and Ive managed to knock the price down of the 16v (92J, FSH, 107k) to £1500 with my 205 as p/ex, and hes giving me 10months warranty. Is this an ok deal? Still deciding between the two!!

I wouldnt say either the 16v or the GTT is rarer than the other. Both r quite rare.

For that sort of money i would go for the 5gtt. I would never buy a cheap valver as they can cost a lot if you dont find a good one. Personally i wouldnt spend less than 2.5k for a valver but for the money you are looking at a 5gtt would be a good one i would have thought.

my valver cost me £2300 - black phase2. ive had it 4 months now and all the money ive spent on it has been for polish and waxes and a new stereo. there as reliable as any other car.

all the horror storied about them breaking down are just because people thrash the pants off em most of the time so they have to expect it.

10months warranty - get the valver. any probs will show up in the 10months.

My opinion might be slightly biased here :D

GTTs are great fun, like little go-karts, thrash them around and they take the abuse, i had my first one 8 years, never blew a head gasket once, bent a valve through my own fault and a couple of gearboxes but not bad considering it had done 130k and still on the original turbo when it was stolen.

As with any car if you look after them they will last, regular oil changes, too many people wack a bleed valve on wind the boost up and think its goign to take it, wrong if you wind it up everything else has to be uprated as well, a standard head gasket wont take it, so as long as youre not silly it will last.

Once youve had a turbo car though there is no going back you get used to the kick of a turbo and miss it then just have to go and but another turbo.

I dont know that much about the clio, apart from its very compact, its a 19 16v engine basically in a smaller space. (I have an engine spare if anyone needs one btw !) They are newer and the shape is more streamlined.

Having two cars is an ideal situation. How about ytou test drive both and see what you think. Check out if you want info on a gtt there is also a buyign guide on there of what to look out for.

I would recommend the R5 over a Willy/valver - my mate had both and they were immaculate. As a result i went out and bought a valver as i couldnt find a R5 and although its a fantastic car, looks sh#t hot and goes like fcuk i always feel like there is something missing....the turbo.
