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Racing Blue ph1 ITB : 2010 track season updates

  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

Sweeeet guys! get these poly carb windows sorted, i need some one else to go through the trial & error f**k up stage so that i dont have to :rasp:

Ours are done but been done by some one that makes rallystyle ones anyhow, no trial and error involved.
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

How much & what have you had done? poly carbs all round? was thinking of leaving the front glass as i hear polly carb scratches easy so getting shite on the wipers & running them a few times would be similar to my 6am drive in the winter mornings lol
  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

How much & what have you had done? poly carbs all round? was thinking of leaving the front glass as i hear polly carb scratches easy so getting s**te on the wipers & running them a few times would be similar to my 6am drive in the winter mornings lol

We are getting a plane glass in the front. Then everything else poly with rallystyle sliders + a coating to minimize scratching.


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

How much & what have you had done? poly carbs all round? was thinking of leaving the front glass as i hear polly carb scratches easy so getting s**te on the wipers & running them a few times would be similar to my 6am drive in the winter mornings lol

4mm (thin as we could get) polycarb front side two, rear side two and rear window. We are leaving the front window. The front side two windows will have rally style sliders aswell.


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

not cheap mate, not entirely sure yet though as they havent been fitted


ClioSport Club Member
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

Going to look Amazing and Go Very Well at this rate


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

tada! ph1 in racing blue, ok theres still abit to do. But you get the idea!



missing the cup spoiler, polycarb windows, wing mirrors, side skirts and our new buy! set of speedline corse in magnesium


also had a cut off switch made



  Some of a Clio 1.8 16v
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

Looks really really smart matey and you wait and see how good it starts to look as the bits go back on and start to break up the colour and make it look like a car all over again.
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

No bother trying to get the money for croft on the first weekend of december, next time you at croft a might pop over to have a propper look


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

No bother trying to get the money for croft on the first weekend of december, next time you at croft a might pop over to have a propper look

no worries mate, i was looking at doing that track day too. Think adrian will be at uni though :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

still missing bits but more pics, windows fitted tomorrow.





  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

Now how are you gonna rag that around a track :eek:

Looking great guys looking forward to seeing the windows, ever thought of doing the fog surrounds & splitter white to go with the white/blue theme? you've done the diamond!


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special

would be too much white then mate :) the theme is Blue, white and black
