Re: PH1 172 Track Car, abit special
20 December 2008
Over the past few months i have been looking at either changing my 172 road car or upping the power. Some jenvey ITB's came up for sale on the forum from somebody local so it was an obvious chance to buy them. Got the cash ready to buy them, then Bazzon asked the question "why not put them on the track car?" and offered to split the cost. Win win! :star:
So the cash was handed over and we recieved some throttle bodies which looked past their best. The actually bodies are jenvey, 90mm trumpet with an omex 600 ecu.
The main problem was the wiring which looked like this
this was a ph2 172 loom with a bastardised omex loom which needed completely re-doing as it had silly things on it such as the renault map sensor running as the air temp sensor and the coolant sensor running the air temp sensor.
we also had to remove the t-bar, create a bracket for radiator, create a bracket for the coilpack, adjust the ph1 fuel rail to fit and cut holes in the bonnet for the aerocatch bonnet pins.
The only picture i have midway fitting is the night we stripped the engine ready for them.
For the loom we basically just cut off the omex part and re-did everything on the ph1. This took basically a full night of planning and another night of soldering.
Now fitted

(it started first attempt!!!!!)
Many thanks to:
Andy from GDI, Fred and Icarus for putting up with me pestering on msn asking questions lol
Hutchie for helping with the wiring (staying up till 1.30 this morning doing the soldering lol

will be heading for mapping soon as the current map is shite so hopefully so will get some pics/videos then.
PS its spitting 1 foot flames currently lol! :evil: