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Renault coolant

I've just replaced my radiator and flushed the engine with a hose and then two flushes of water, running it to temp inbetween to circulate with the thermostat open, so I'm fairly happy that its now just plain water in the system.

Now I need to put coolant in. Because I wont get all the water out it needs to be concentrate so that I can drop the lower radiator hose off, let the water out, and add about 3.5l of concentrate. The renault coolant I've seen has all been premix, can you get concentrate?

The conventional advice was "just use the genuine Type-D coolant", but RPD suggest it's being discontinued: as does this thread:
I don't want to fill my freshly flushes system with coolant i'll no longer be able to buy.
I don't really fancy the new RX ‘Type E’ Alliance coolant (blue) as it's ripe for getting topped up with standard blue by accident
So that leaves the compatible RX ‘Type D’ (New version-Yellow)? Or something aftermarket and compatible with a colour that avoids future contamination.

What have other people gone for?



ClioSport Club Member
  Valvers & 172 Cup
Go onto Autodoc and search for coolant, in the filters bit you just need to select the yellow colour and it'll bring up all the ones that are the same as Type D

I've just bought this to do mine
Hey, check out PEMCO Antifreeze in the AUTODOC app


ClioSport Club Member
Febi bilstein type d is exactly the same as oem green, premixed.

You can still use premixed if its been filled with water, just drain system, i usually take a hose off and blow through header tank.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio II RS 172
I went for a radiator change at AW and they use Red OAT. I just grabbed some from Halfords, nothing fancy.
Go onto Autodoc and search for coolant, in the filters bit you just need to select the yellow colour and it'll bring up all the ones that are the same as Type D

I've just bought this to do mine
Hey, check out PEMCO Antifreeze in the AUTODOC app
Cheers, I'll have a look. It's a proper pain, as blue was blue and red was red and yellow and green are just about anything now.
Febi bilstein type d is exactly the same as oem green, premixed.

You can still use premixed if its been filled with water, just drain system, i usually take a hose off and blow through header tank.
I always drop the bottom hose, but you'll never get the full 7l out, about half if you're lucky on most cars. Short of removing the radiator and heater matrix and allsorts.
I went for a radiator change at AW and they use Red OAT. I just grabbed some from Halfords, nothing fancy.
I'd be tempted as long as it doesn't cause damage?

Thanks guys


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio II RS 172
He flushed it and filled with Red OAT. I've done about 5k miles since, all good so yeah. If you are gonna go Red OAT, just flush it first, don't mix it with Type D.
