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Replacement 220 tyres or/and wheels.

  220 Trophy
It appears the original fit Pilot Super Sports have been superseded with the Pilot Sport 4 S (I’ve had these on other cars and they’re a great tyre) but according to Michelin they don’t come in the regular 205/40/18 size. If staying with Michelin then the ‘best’ tyre they do in that size is the more regular Pilot Sport 4.

Has anyone changed their 220’s tyres yet and if so what did you go for please?

The other alternative is to fit a slightly wider 8J wheel and fit a wider tyre but with a lower profile tyre that would near as dam it keep the same rolling radius.

The Pilot Sport 4 S doesn’t come in 18”, only 19 upwards and the Pilot Sport Cup 2 would be a bit too hard-core I think for the country roads around where I live.

From what I’ve found the 205 is the min recommended tire width regardless for a 7.5J rim, ideally it should be 215 or 225.

If I went for an 8J rim then its ideally 225 or 235

A 235/35/18 tyre would give the exact rolling radius as the 205/40/18 but there doesn’t look to be any decent non-MPV tyres in that size.

There are however many 225/35/18 available and this only throws the speedo out by 1 kmh at 90km so pretty much bang-on then!
  Clio 182 trophy
go with the 225/40/18s - alot of people are runing these on the facebook page. seem to work well.

Is your car lowered ? spacers?


ClioSport Club Member
225/40/18 Is Megane R26 Sizing and tyres are fairly inexpensive to tell you the truth. You can pick up AD08R for around £350 a set new from Ben Patey
  220 Trophy
Thanks all.

Do we mean 225/40/18 and keep my standard 7.5J rims?

If so this looks to only through the speedo out a tad:

Reading at 30mph = 29.25mph
Reading at 60mph = 58.49mph

Which is negligible and best it’s over–reading rather than the other way around!

I quite like my standard wheels and ideally would like to keep it OEM looking.
go with the 225/40/18s - alot of people are runing these on the facebook page. seem to work well.

Is your car lowered ? spacers?

Won’t the rolling diameter be wrong? Only asking as picking up a 200 EDC on Saturday as a new car for the Wife and am going to put a new set of tyres on. Was looking at 205/40 R18 PS4 as currently has Falkens fitted....
Just fit 225 40 18 as there's much more tyre choice, I'd fit the PS4 as well over the 4S as the extra cost just isn't worth the extra performance you get on the road.
  220 Trophy
Yes good point!

They already look to be stretched on the 7.5J rim and as mentioned from what I found on t’net a 7.5J rim should ideally have a 215 or 225 tyre.

My 220 is just a weekend fun car so therefore do minimal miles in it, I love the PSS so would want something equally sticky, now I know to look at 225’s I’ll see what alternatives there are.


ClioSport Club Member
i had pilot sport 4 on my last mk4 clio and have SuperSport on my 220t, regular pilot sport 4 was better in the wet imo, hard to tell in the dry but I wouldnt say the super sport is night and day better.

if you end up going PS4 I would say its more a side step than a down grade so don't let them put you off
  Clio trophy 220
Hi all. Just up my 2017 Clio trophy 220 and doing some research on what tyres to get. I've also got an R27 2009 F1 Clio too which has 215x45x17 tyres which are really affordable even with Michelin PS. $150 each. However, I couldn't believe that 205x40x18 Michelin PS5 tyres cost $370 each!! What are my choices. Stock suspension and wheels it has. I've been told to go 2054518 for more ride compliance and are cheaper. However, I'm keen on 2254018 which cost $225 each for Michelin PS5. If 225 wide will cause some scrapping of tyre within wheel arch, and I have to roll them, then I won't bother. So, anyone driven on 2254018 on a trophy? Does it still drive straight and not wonder
? Bit more comfort?


ClioSport Club Member
It should be fine, I run 225 PS4s on a non-trophy with Cooksport springs. I only ever get a very slight rub on full lock at low speeds, or aggressive speed bumps etc.
Had them on for going on two years and wouldn't go back to 205.
  Clio trophy 220
It should be fine, I run 225 PS4s on a non-trophy with Cooksport springs. I only ever get a very slight rub on full lock at low speeds, or aggressive speed bumps etc.
Had them on for going on two years and wouldn't go back to 205.
Hmmm. Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, with my OCD like behaviour, I don't want to put up with the light scrape every now and then. Years ago, I had a 99 WRX rally blue colour. I was talked into going up from standard 2055016 to 2154517. Whenever there was at least two passengers in the back, and I drive over towards a dip or moderate speed hump, it would scrape. Even with the inside wheel arches rolled. So yeah, I don't want to go through that again. I eventually went back to the 16" rims on the WRX for that reason. Always wondering if it was going to scrape when coming up on a bump or dip.
But you said, your cars has Cooksport springs. Are they lower than trophy springs?
