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Replacing Desire with iPhone 4

  Ollie's Silver Cup
A couple of months ago or so, I took out a contract with Orange on a HTC Desire, obviously with data plan, etc. I'm happy with the phone, however, I'm secretly an Apple fanboy and do miss my iPhone tbh! :dapprove: :eek:

Is it as simple as buying an iPhone 4 handset from apple sim-free (when they're in stock) and contacting orange to request a change to a micro-sim? Does anyone know if it's possible for them to do this?

  Clio 1.2 Grande (2001)
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Haha :lolup:
  Ollie's Silver Cup
Yes it's that simple mate.

I know, at present, Orange are not supplying micro-sim's without buying an iPhone 4 from them! :dapprove:

I am hoping/assuming this will change in the near future though! Going to pop into the Orange shop while I'm out this afternoon and see if they can tell me anything :)
  182FF with cup packs
  Golf GTi Mk2
  Ollie's Silver Cup
I've spoken to Orange today too, who said that micro sims will be available from them soon :)

I think I'll just be buying the phone from apple store and doing it that way! I like the Desire, but there are some things I very much miss from my iPhone! :)
