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Road Angel Subscription

I just got a letter from road angel informing me my time is nearly up for my free 6 month subs period. I'm now wondering wether i want to shell out the extra cash to keep uptodate.

Has anyone got an Road Angel 2 and not paid for their annaul subscription? If so does it still work with the only downside being you cant update from the net? Or does the unit become slow to find sats or even stop working?


P.S. before any says yeah i should have bought one with lifetime support FOC.
I ain't updated mine (ran out last December).

Still works exactly the same, just not been updated.

I refuse to pay until the new features come out (tells you limit etc..) - when they are out, I'll update it.

Blackspot don't sting you either - like some companies.
If you don't pay for 6 months, then pay for a year.. it's a year from when you pay; some backdate it to the date it ran out, so you are only getting 6 months for example.
I won one of these yesterday!!

Having problems installing the software, I can download it and when it comes to installing it says error, when the programme comes on and i press sycronize it comes up error again. Did you have any problems with yours?

I registered it last night and it says it takes 24 hours, will it work or not?
Daz said:
I ain't updated mine (ran out last December).

Still works exactly the same, just not been updated.

I refuse to pay until the new features come out (tells you limit etc..) - when they are out, I'll update it.

Blackspot don't sting you either - like some companies.
If you don't pay for 6 months, then pay for a year.. it's a year from when you pay; some backdate it to the date it ran out, so you are only getting 6 months for example.

nice one Daz.

i was wondering whether they would say 2 years down the line when i signed up again that they wanted back dated subs.

are speed limit indications coming out or is this something you are hoping for? It would be really useful feature like some of the other bits of kit out there.

Off to update mine now before its too late.

CDMullins said:
I won one of these yesterday!!

Having problems installing the software, I can download it and when it comes to installing it says error, when the programme comes on and i press sycronize it comes up error again. Did you have any problems with yours?

I registered it last night and it says it takes 24 hours, will it work or not?

i had no probs with mine. if i recall correctly it did take somewhre in the region of a day or so to become registered. but i think i used it before then. cant remember for sure.

if its the singal you cant get stick it in the middle of the dash under the wee patch in the window, assuming you have a window like mine. singal can take up to 15 mins to find any longer i pull over and restart the car.

also i got one of the extended arerials to get better singal from back side window.
Everytime i turn it on it tells me to register, ive gone through that and installed software and put RA in usb port tried to update and keep getting error msg! It has been telling me my speed and time but thats it!


  RS 182 - Black Gold
CDMullins said:
Everytime i turn it on it tells me to register, ive gone through that and installed software and put RA in usb port tried to update and keep getting error msg! It has been telling me my speed and time but thats it!

you need to wait apporximatly 24 hours before you are registered on the system

It wont happen tonight as its gone past there office hours.

You maybe lucky and get processed just after 9pm.

Try again tomoro tho!
Dont think its that! Ive waited 24 hours and ive ad an email saying i am registered, yet the road angel wont download the software and im still getting please register and update


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Daz shed any light on this? i know hes had a few probs with his?

Cud be worth giving blackspot a buzz otherwise.
Has, whats your view on the navigator? We bought one and its shite! Doesn't get any signal even with an external ariel! I mean we leave it for 30 minutes and nothing...

Think its a duff one?
CDMullins said:
I won one of these yesterday!!

Having problems installing the software, I can download it and when it comes to installing it says error, when the programme comes on and i press sycronize it comes up error again. Did you have any problems with yours?

I registered it last night and it says it takes 24 hours, will it work or not?

Once you have downloaded it, it wont auto install. you have to go into device manager and place it there manually. If you phone blackspot they talk you through it on the phone.
  182 Full Fat
Blackspot do recommend using the curly wire and leaving outside on the car roof for 10 mins to ensure it works properly and picks up sattilites. Also it says it can take 45mins the first time the Road Angel is used. Be patient!!
Even now mine takes 10mins some days to pick up a signal (and thats with the external aerial too!) its because of the heat reflective windsreen.
aye mine can take ages too if i havent used it for a bit.

as i said i sometimes pull over and f**k about with it or just pull it out fo the cig socket. .... though i pulled out it last time and the whole fooking cig socket came with it. i see where the joys of renault mortoring lie now.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Spammy said:
Has, whats your view on the navigator? We bought one and its sh*te! Doesn't get any signal even with an external ariel! I mean we leave it for 30 minutes and nothing...

Think its a duff one?

Ive found them ok actually, not had any duff ones!!

Sounds like urs is having problems tho with the reception side of things,probably needs sending back IMO.

All the ones i have fitted in have been very quick after the initial search.
