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Samsung Galaxy Ace


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
The Mrs Mother has just got one so had to go round and sort out the wireless and set up her email as she couldn't do it.

What version of Android does this phone run? I presume it is not the most recent as tbh, it seemed ok, but nothing on it made me think mmmm that was good so to speak.

I thought the email client looked very basic.

One thing I did quite like was how when you were typing you could tap the word and a small icon came below the word and was much easier to edit a word if you mis-spelt it. Lot easier than Apple version of editing that i find a bit tricky.

Seemed like quite a good budget phone though.


ClioSport Club Member
Not a clue on the Android version but my dad has just got one. He loves it. He's not very techy and now he's never off the thing.

One thing I did notice is how much better FaceBook is on that phone. iPhones App is terrible and slow.
should be on 2.3.4 which is about 18 months old. Very good stable version of android though

Email client doesn't matter at all, you can download and use any you like, mostly for free


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
Really re: the email client? that is a good idea.

Yeah agreed, the iphone facebook app is poor.

I think the mrs mum (who is over 60) will get on well with it as it appears a relatively simple phone to use.
google play store, just search for "email" I use the official hotmail app and sync it to my calender across all devices, but there's loads you can choose from. That's basically the point and the beauty of android, do what you want with it.
  E46 325ci, ZX10r E9f
To see what version it's on press the menu key ( left one ) then settings and scroll down to " about phone " and it'll say in there.

I've got one, the only problem for me was the internal memory is shite but I've rooted mine and got a 2nd partion on my sd card which has sorted that so I can have as many apps as I want.
