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Should I buy it take2!

  200 RS 2010
Ok so here's goes another attempt, tomorrow lunch time... 2010 Silver Clio 200, 33k, cloth interior, no sat nav or recaros, but esp option, silver alloys, silver calipers, looks unmarked in and out, service history, timing belt and pump done in march, had both the ball joints done already, Goodyear tyres, 2 owners... They're asking 7499.. internet valuation I've done says it's worth 6920.. so I'm thinking an even 7k is fair.. 3.5k trade in 3.5k cash.... Thoughts?
  200 RS 2010
Coz basically I don't want the hassle of selling my car, it could take ages and lots of pissing about. Then I'd be without a car until I find a new one, and I drive to work everyday so being without a cars not an option. So basically convenience
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Silver 200 with silver wheel isn’t a desirable (I don’t think) combination, so when you come to sell it it will not be as standout in the market.
I’d keep looking about to find one you really want with the spec you actually want.
  200 RS 2010
I quite like the look of it all being silver, no green paint or red calipers, doesnt shout boy racer.. it more sleeper and I like that. Well as sleeper as you can get with brake vents in the wings, dual exhausts and a rear splitter hahaha
  2014 Clio 200t edc
If you like the combination I’d still in your situation be inclined to wait for a better spec’d model to come up. Your spending a lot of money on it and don’t want to be thinking “I wish it had this and that”
  200 RS 2010
Well here's my thinking, the sat navs junk so I don't want that, the recaros look great but will hurt on long drives so don't want them, I'm never gonna track it so don't want a cup chassis, it's got the esp option so the money's the only issue. If there was a 2010+ 200 going around with 40k milage service history an mot that wasn't modified for 5k I'd bite there hand off but 7 seems to be the ball park figure right now for the age milage and condition I'm looking at..


ClioSport Club Member
  A terrible one
Well here's my thinking, the sat navs junk so I don't want that, the recaros look great but will hurt on long drives so don't want them, I'm never gonna track it so don't want a cup chassis, it's got the esp option so the money's the only issue. If there was a 2010+ 200 going around with 40k milage service history an mot that wasn't modified for 5k I'd bite there hand off but 7 seems to be the ball park figure right now for the age milage and condition I'm looking at..
If they're Recaro CS seats, they won't hurt on a long drive. They are super comfy for me, I've got them in my RS.


ClioSport Club Member
My Megane has Recaro seats and I regularly do 100 mile drives in it with no problems. They look quite extreme, but they're actually very comfortable :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Too many
My Megane has Recaro seats and I regularly do 100 mile drives in it with no problems. They look quite extreme, but they're actually very comfortable :smile:

I had them in my R27 too, wouldn't buy a MK3 without them personally. Really comfortable on long journeys (at least for me, I appreciate not everyone is the same when it comes to seating positions)

Was esp an option even on 200s? I thought they all came with it and cc like the 182!

No, ESP will be on all 200's, Cruise might have been an option on the cup models though (don't quote me on that), but other models came with it as standard.
  200 RS 2010
its got cruise control and on the original bill of sale which comes with it, it lists the esp as a £310 pound option that was included
  200 RS 2010
have to wait till next wednesday when all going well i pick it up, Just did my Experian history check on it, all came back ok.. phew...
  Mk1 Berlingo
Doesn’t silver wheels and calipers differentiate non cup from cup pack?
Cruise is standard on non cup cars.
  200 RS 2010
no idea, its my first Renault, picking up Thursday it looks like, i didn't want a cup anyway its just a daily
  Clio 172 ph2
My mum actually traded her silverstone rs in for the yellow one don’t know either that was the best move or not but she likes the yellow [emoji23][emoji23]

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ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250
That was likely to be a trick used by the dealer to get the previous owner out of negative equity.
Charge an amount for something there's no cost for meaning they can give that extra on the part exchange.
ESP and cruise was fitted as standard on a Sport model. ESP on Cup model too but no cruise.


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250
Enjoy your car. The 200's are great fun, but as said by many, don't expect top dollar or a quick sale amongst the purists as it's a spec you wanted and not popular with the masses.
