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Silver 197 losing to my vectra in manchester

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
How dare you say a 197 can even keep up with a 1*2!!

They'll have you hanged on here! ;)
  audi a6 3.0tdi

that is all
  Trophy #490
if the 197's diffuser was in race mode he would of mullered you


Diesel barges are rapid in gear. I had a blast with a 335d in my R26 just last week from 30ish to 70 and it was properly quick! When I had my Clio Trophy I can remember a Fabia vRS doing well against it too, never under estimate turbo diesel torque once rolling! 197's and 1*2's have none though, it's all about re-mapped turbo's nowadays.... :p
  audi a6 3.0tdi
thats a cracking idea i'll see what i can do but it'll have to be against a 172 or 182 no one i know seems to have a 197 round here.
  120d M Sport
Lol oh this has made me giggle.

Lets get one thing straight here:

He raced a 197.

He beat a 197.

It doesnt matter if the 197 missed a gear/couldnt drive etc etc blah blah so on and so forth.

He beat it in this instance.

I dont think any of you realise how much torque that is, yes its a derv, but i have the oppotunity to drive powerfull dervs most days, and we have in at the moment a chipped 170bhp derv golf GT, which has 300 lb ft of torque and i can tell you now when rolling it IS at least as fast as my 172, and this is tested over many different days, not just one sprint.

How anyone can come on here and say 'bollox it didnt happen' or 'if the guy had known how to drive' etc etc i dont know, and i really cant understand how hard it is to understand that in this instance he beat a 197.


This man speaks sense.

To the OP, fair play mate thats just funny, nothing worth anyone getting wound up about really.
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  172Tb'd, Z4 35idrive

Diesel barges are rapid in gear. I had a blast with a 335d in my R26 just last week from 30ish to 70 and it was properly quick! When I had my Clio Trophy I can remember a Fabia vRS doing well against it too, never under estimate turbo diesel torque once rolling! 197's and 1*2's have none though, it's all about re-mapped turbo's nowadays.... :p

335d's are rapid! im pretty sure that the 335d is the twin turbo, small turbo for initial acceleration then the big one take over, cuts out the lag.

My mates dad has the 650, the 5 litre v8. he was was telling me that it easily kept up with his motor.
  a burnt one
When i made the move to Diesel 15 months ago i told you all it was the way forward, recently theres been more and more posts on here bigging up the dervs and those (not) in the know still claiming they are as quick as a tortoise and more expensive to maintain.

Give it 5 years, everyone will be in remapped diesels.

Torque v BHP is all relative you need a fine mixture of both to go anywhere quick but theres something satisfying about just sticking a lazy foot down and taking off.
  PS 200
Torque v BHP is all relative you need a fine mixture of both to go anywhere quick but theres something satisfying about just sticking a lazy foot down and taking off.
Not as satisfying as dropping two gears, flooring it and holding on for dear life :D
  BMW 118d
335d's are rapid! im pretty sure that the 335d is the twin turbo, small turbo for initial acceleration then the big one take over, cuts out the lag.

My mates dad has the 650, the 5 litre v8. he was was telling me that it easily kept up with his motor.

the 335d's are exactly that. Not to be messed about with. It's a 3litre but like you say a twin turbo, a small one for initial and the bigger one to destroy. my old man had a 330D and that was rapid anyway!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Flol this place is full of some toolbags!

His diesel barge beat a 197 and you try to argue the point.

Well done mate, I hope he cried his way home.
  Clio 197 + Mrk 3 DCI
Flol this place is full of some toolbags!

His diesel barge beat a 197 and you try to argue the point.

Well done mate, I hope he cried his way home.

More like debate rather than argue the point, dont think anyone said it didnt happen of course as there are some "toolbag" drivers.......
  JDM Dc2
seen some threads on here and in some french car mags and the never make 197bhp anyways... in a feature the other month with an ITG, matchinlets and catcmas only made 202bhp... was summat like 181 standard
  Clio 197 + Mrk 3 DCI
seen some threads on here and in some french car mags and the never make 197bhp anyways... in a feature the other month with an ITG, matchinlets and catcmas only made 202bhp... was summat like 181 standard

that goes for the 1*2 aswell. documented bhp is never completly true, more of a guideline
  Ultra Red Megane 225
is this thread still alive?!

did the 197 owner ever come forward and say "ohai it was me?"
  Black 197
Flol this place is full of some toolbags!

His diesel barge beat a 197 and you try to argue the point.

Well done mate, I hope he cried his way home.


Diesel barges have come a long long way since the oil burners years ago, Diesels are way too under estimated...
  Bumder With A Buffer
I raced an EVO8 the other way on the way home and left him for dead :) **

*He was parked up on the side of the road :eek:


This thread made me giggle! thanks for cheering me up! :)

Get a good oil burner and it will blow an RS on the straights, i'd have a derv over a petrol anydoy tbh

No true petrolhead would ever say that, most of the time it's for cost reasons; they can give good power and great economy. Yes they have a lot more torque but a narrow powerband and don't rev. Perfect engines for effortless a-b driving but not for pressing on - it just doesn't give the same satisfaction as a petrol engine IMO.
  Black 197
No true petrolhead would ever say that, most of the time it's for cost reasons; they can give good power and great economy. Yes they have a lot more torque but a narrow powerband and don't rev. Perfect engines for effortless a-b driving but not for pressing on - it just doesn't give the same satisfaction as a petrol engine IMO.

Why not ? It's a fact that diesels are under estimated

A RS Clio is not that quick really, A Vectra 4 up pulling on a 197 is pretty good going, Maybe standard without a map it wouldn't of dones so well but face facts diesels are and probably will advance so much that they will out pace a petrol engine soon enough

I love a petrol car but face it diesel engines last for longer, are cheaper to run, and tbh are not model T pace now
  audi a6 3.0tdi
I bought the car as i wanted something quick ish that was cheap to run and didn't stand out at all. how many cars do you know that have 190bhp/320ft lb of torque but are in group 11 insurance cost only £145 a year to tax and will return 49+mpg while being driven hard. Compare that to the clios group 16 insurance, £220 tax and 30mpg if you are are quite sensible.

I didn't really expect to like it that much and at first i didn't which is why i bought another 172 as a fun car. It all changed when i remapped it though, unless you have tried the before and after you will never know the transforation it made. Also i learnt that no matter how hard i throw it into corners it just goes round and that was before i changed to the coilover setup. The only major let down is the brakes but with being a vauxhall there are loads of upgrade options available. For not a lot of money i could have a vxr 345mm disk and calliper setup with the police spec pads (mintex) or if i really wanted to go silly there is a 12 pot setup for £2200.

petrol is great for country lanes etc but for making quick effortless progress on a day to day basis diesel is king.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member

Get a good oil burner and it will blow an RS on the straights, i'd have a derv over a petrol anydoy tbh

True but it would take more than a 190/300 vectra with 4 adults in to achieve that. Iif you timed them both on a drag strip with the same driver/conditions I would put a good few ££ on the clio taking it somehow!
  Ferrari F430 Spider, 182
Good try but no cigar. You really should have been faster as i had four people in and you were on your own.

never underestimate diesel barges. Your car did look very nice though :)

the three passengers are cliosport members before all the doubters start with the comments.

I'll race you :rasp:
  audi a6 3.0tdi
True but it would take more than a 190/300 vectra with 4 adults in to achieve that. Iif you timed them both on a drag strip with the same driver/conditions I would put a good few ££ on the clio taking it somehow!

of course the clio will win. the whole point of me posting up in the first place was to laugh at the guy coz he still managed to lose even though he had a faster car.
  Black 197
True but it would take more than a 190/300 vectra with 4 adults in to achieve that. Iif you timed them both on a drag strip with the same driver/conditions I would put a good few ££ on the clio taking it somehow!

Yes but if w17gle had no passengers in and went against the 197 again he would handed the 197 drivers ass to him on a big golden plated plate!

Standard diesel = not much hope

mapped diesel = very different outcome
