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Slow internet last 24 hours?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
My internet at home over the last 24 hours has got dog slow. Its painful. I've got a laptop on wifi if that makes any difference.

My phone on wifi is working perfectly fine.

Any ideas?!
I speed tested my Virgin pipe last night and got 104 down, 4.8 up. Also in general use it's been super fast, super responsive, and super reliable.

Having said that, it was starting to get a bit tired on my old 20Mb package. Been flawless since I upgraded.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
If your phone and the laptop are on the same wifi, and the phone is quick and the laptop is slow, then it sounds like probably its a laptop issue not an internet one.

Run malware bytes or similar to check you havent picked up a load of spyware or similar that is slowing you down.
