why shouldn't people be rewarded for putting the hours in? for example, if you join a lobby in mw2 where everyone is prestige and you are level 2, then surely common sense tells that you'll get your pants pulled down. if you want better weapons, just play more, simple really, everyone started at the same level.
Its like playing a round of golf with Tiger woods and asking him to play using one hand and some left handed clubs. Why should he?
That's the whole problem, games that focus around devoting your life to it. I can sort of understand why they do it, as unemployed Americans will spend 20 of 24 hours on it trying to be the best. However for 90% it ruins the experience as they never rack up the hours to get the 'rewards' that these nerds get.
Yeah, but wouldn't it be more fun to play with Bob from accounts instead of getting your arse kicked constantly? Lol.
A lot of this is due in no small part to the introduction of the gay achievement/medals/gamer points culture than the current generation consoles introduced. It was simple in the olden days and there was never anything to prove. It was just fun pwning n00bs with headshots. These days you get console gimps playing 25/7 so they can show off some new rank or medal or weapon. Congratulations. Now, f**k off and finish your homework.
I don't. It's called discussion. Now, take your console, and f**k off.
i never understood people who b**ch about the unlocks in CoD and how that stops them from winning.
what people have to remember is that there can be 15-20 people in a game and only one person gets the top score... mummy and daddy have been letting people win too much.
if people are that bothered about getting bum f**ked then dont get runnning full pelt towards the enemies lol
Its like playing a round of golf with Tiger woods and asking him to play using one hand and some left handed clubs. Why should he?
My observations from my first proper online gamng experience:
- Most classes have an almost unbeatable car/tune, drive anything else and it's a lonely race. Should be public lobbies with single make races to make it about driver skill, I played about 20 races today and only had competitive battles in 2 or 3 of them.
- People cheat, a lot. Plenty of shortcuts dotted around tracks that don't slow them down or penalize them in any way.
- People in faster cars get really pissed when you overtake them. Happening to me a lot, i'm very consistent so often pass much quicker cars gradually during a race that have crashed off at some point...almost without fail they take me out when they catch me, despite the fact they have the power to do me on the next straight easily.
I've not really seen any benefit from racing cleanly yet, spending half a lap on someones ass to find that perfect passing opportunity - only for them to run you off the track at the next braking point when you've passed them...it all feels very pointless.
A side-effect of that for me is when you're trying to 'learn' how a game plays and because you haven't got up to the playing standard of the other players in like 32secs, they are instantly vote-kicking you?! Like WTF - give us a feckin' chance! Strangely, I've found the French players to be the worst for this - they really are intolerant of people not keeping up with them - lol.