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So my 172 has an oil leak!...

Took it back, it had a hairline crack on the sump, been fixed with some liquid metal stuff? anyway, had a good hour run on the way home and now there is no oil leaking :D yay! Im happy now haha

Some pics....




  172DD Cup
glad you're happy :)
but a crack in the sump? liquid metal? i'd be wanting a new sump. you realise if the sump goes the engine will drop all it's oil quick than your 172 goes from 0-60 and it'll be bye bye crank.

don't mean to be such a poopy pants but i always look at worse case scenario. do you have a receipt for the "fix"?

edit: is that a free shoe?


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Glad to hear you've got it sorted, but if I were you i'd be looking for a new sump and get them swapped as soon as possible.
  Black 172
Sounds like a bodge to me, it'll probably last long enough for the garage to be able to say "Tough luck, your problem now" when it starts leaking again lol. Still, a new sump isn't that expensive and at least you know what was wrong with it now.
nah I got no receipt... didnt think it was necessary seeing as I didnt pay anything for it etc....? I will buy a sump anyway and get it replaced just for piece of mind, but for now it will do....

haha no they are my shoes, me n the gf were enjoying the sun :)
  172DD Cup
i was just thinking in advance, if it goes pop three months down the line then proof that they did the work would be enough to recover any costs.

for me personally, i'd be wanting a new sump. i really wouldn't be comfortable with a fix like that. but it might last forever. hopefully if it does go it will just start to leak again so you can pick it up.

as for planning to replace the sump, that's why you pay a premium for buying from a garage, so any immediate problems are rectified at no cost to you.
Hmm yeah good point, too late though now isn't it? They repaired it whilst I went to the coffee shop and had a coffee so didn't really have a chance to ask for a new sump... I don't mind as long as I get a sump soon and replace it
  172DD Cup
i'm trying to think of a middle ground here. you really need some sort of proof that they've carried out this work.

what i would do then is:

call them. tell them you do have a slight concern over the crack on the sump and you're just looking for reassurance that the repair they carried out is sufficient and will not deteriorate any quicker than an equivalent uncracked sump would. when they say yes it's fine, then great, we move onto the next step. they won't say no.

send a letter. a nice one. detailing every point between when you bought it and now. sort of like "thank you for swift action with regards to the rectification work on the above mentioned vehicle." (you'll refer to renault clio 172 reg no in the subject of the letter).

"having bought the car on such and such a date i brought to your attention on date the requirement for some immediate rectification work due to an oil leak. the rectification work carried out was to replace the cam seals and this did indeed resolve the issue of the oil leak. having brought the car home on date i noticed there was still evidence of an oil leak and so returned to you on date. this was quickly diagnosed by yourselves as a hairline crack on the oil sump and was repaired with the use of "liquid metal". having spoken to fellow car enthusiasts it was brought to my attention that this type of repair may not be as desirable as the fitment of a new oil sump. on date i called and questioned the longevity of such a repair and you have reassured me that there is no cause for concern on the repair of the oil sump. upon your reassurance i am happy to continue using the car as intended and i look forward to many years of enjoyable motoring. i would be grateful if you could, by return of post, confirm this summary of events to be accurate."

some sort of bolx like that. send it recorded signed for. basically be as nice as pie and list as much info as you can. they won't respond to this letter which is fine.

but if in three months time the sump goes and you're faced with a repair bill for a new engine, you can use it as evidence to help recover costs from the garage. they won't have written back initially, so they haven't disputed your original version of events. if they do write back in the first instance, then it's hello mr new sump.
i'm trying to think of a middle ground here. you really need some sort of proof that they've carried out this work.

what i would do then is:

call them. tell them you do have a slight concern over the crack on the sump and you're just looking for reassurance that the repair they carried out is sufficient and will not deteriorate any quicker than an equivalent uncracked sump would. when they say yes it's fine, then great, we move onto the next step. they won't say no.

send a letter. a nice one. detailing every point between when you bought it and now. sort of like "thank you for swift action with regards to the rectification work on the above mentioned vehicle." (you'll refer to renault clio 172 reg no in the subject of the letter).

"having bought the car on such and such a date i brought to your attention on date the requirement for some immediate rectification work due to an oil leak. the rectification work carried out was to replace the cam seals and this did indeed resolve the issue of the oil leak. having brought the car home on date i noticed there was still evidence of an oil leak and so returned to you on date. this was quickly diagnosed by yourselves as a hairline crack on the oil sump and was repaired with the use of "liquid metal". having spoken to fellow car enthusiasts it was brought to my attention that this type of repair may not be as desirable as the fitment of a new oil sump. on date i called and questioned the longevity of such a repair and you have reassured me that there is no cause for concern on the repair of the oil sump. upon your reassurance i am happy to continue using the car as intended and i look forward to many years of enjoyable motoring. i would be grateful if you could, by return of post, confirm this summary of events to be accurate."

some sort of bolx like that. send it recorded signed for. basically be as nice as pie and list as much info as you can. they won't respond to this letter which is fine.

but if in three months time the sump goes and you're faced with a repair bill for a new engine, you can use it as evidence to help recover costs from the garage. they won't have written back initially, so they haven't disputed your original version of events. if they do write back in the first instance, then it's hello mr new sump.

wow thanks for that, I will be doing this as of tomorrow morning :D

They did reassure me that it would be fine when I was there so can I use that or should I call them anyway?
  172DD Cup
in that case you could put something like. "upon collection of the car i did raise my immediate concerns on the durability of this type of repair however i received your reassurances that the repair work carried out would be sufficient." and miss out the bit about phoning them.

with any issue of this sort you should get yourself over to 'consumer action group' forums and post in there. plenty of people more knowledgeable than i. it's where i get most of my info from.
  Clio 197
Good advice kp, as for the op - glad you got it sorted but echo what the others say and get the sump replaced when you can
  172DD Cup
i'm wondering if the different qualities of sump v liquid metal would cause them to expand and contract at different rates under repeated heat cycles, causing the 'repair' to fail prematurely?
Well the guy that did the work on the car had worked for Renault for 30+ years, so I'm assuming that he knows what he's doing... that does give me SOME reassurance???

Can someone point me in the right direction for a new sump please?? thanksabunch


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Well the guy that did the work on the car had worked for Renault for 30+ years, so I'm assuming that he knows what he's doing... that does give me SOME reassurance???

Can someone point me in the right direction for a new sump please?? thanksabunch

You've not had much experience with Renault have you. LOL
  Ultra Blue RS Megane
i would be requesting a new sump from the garage without a doubt. Its not like you got the car at a bargain price, you paid top dollar so everything should be perfect, and for 3.5k am sorry a botch up job wouldnt do, a new sump isnt that expensive either so your not asking for a new engine, you shouldnt have to be forking out for one
Sorry if this is now boring you but it's getting to the point of ridiculous...

I now have the famous problem of juddering/thumping etc whatever you want to call it, when accelerating hard in first and sometimes in second gear..

I want my money back.

Could someone please point me in the right direction of a letter to write, or write an example of what they would write if they had the same problem?

Thank you
dont mean to be a smart arse, but did you not test drive this thing before you bought it?

Nah I bought I car without seeing how it drove... :p

...of course I did, no oil leaks that I could see and there was no thumping from engine when I put my foot down. Researched about stuff like this so made sure it wasn't like that. It only started a few days ago and gradually got worse.
  Mk1 16v brooklands
I had liquid metal on my old mk1 It lasted about a month then I changed the engine (I only bodged it up as I knew I'd be swapping lumps and wouldn't recommend it) although it held out perfectly
  Mini Cooper S sport
Oh dear, sounds like you've bought a nail.

Take it back to them and see what they say, they need to be given the opportunity to fix it.
Oh dear, sounds like you've bought a nail.

Take it back to them and see what they say, they need to be given the opportunity to fix it.

I will call them tomorrow when open again.. do you not think its kind of taking the p**s now, this is the third problem?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Not meaning to sound like an arse, but you seem to be "one of them" customers.

You should have done your research and checked the car properly. Any problems that occur after sale............... are yours.
  Black 172
You should have done your research and checked the car properly. Any problems that occur after sale............... are yours.
Couldn't be more wrong really. You buy from a dealer so that any major problems discovered after the sale get fixed. That's the whole point of paying dealer prices - the warranty which you get by law. If you don't expect a warranty, you can buy the car cheaper privately or via auction.
Not meaning to sound like an arse, but you seem to be "one of them" customers.

You should have done your research and checked the car properly. Any problems that occur after sale............... are yours.

"One of them customers" - excuse me? Oh you mean one of those customers that takes the car back because it has problems. Pretty sure that is what everyone else would do in the same circumstance. Are you "One of those customers" that just accepts there are problems and then pays s**t loads to get it fixed.
I dont expect to buy a car for £3500 and then have three separate problems within two weeks of it leaving the forecourt, and neither should anyone else. I did my research properly, checked everything that I should have and all seemed good.
  Ultra Blue RS Megane
It sounds like its just going to be problematic , i would be taking it back demanding a refund, to much gone wrong in such a little time
