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texting abroad cheaply?

first of all whats the charges like? im on contract so am i paying to send or is the girl paying to recieve?

i met a girl when i was in amsterdam :rasp: we have been texting loads and im getting worried about my phonebill now :rasp:
anyone know of any offers with orange that will make texting abroad cheap? even if its only just this number, magic numbers wont work as orange isnt available in amsterdam

If she has a dutch number, you are paying extra to text her. If she has a UK number and is roaming, she pays the extra, you pay normal text costs.

Check your phonebill if I was you. Phone orange and ask what they can do?
20p on orange:dapprove:
bill is £80 which surprisingly is cheaper than i thought:eek: amount of drunken calls made the weekend :D

oh and they dont do a bundle to text cheaper just for calls, just finding out how cheaper they would be for £2 a month
I think they've reduced the price from 1st July? I'm not sure though - I just recall an advert on TV. 20p sucks! Robbing tw*ts!
Prices reduced since July 1st to 10p per text on all networks, as part of Government legislation.

Calls capped at 37/8p as well IIRC.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lol is it really worth it, it's hardly going to work unless one of you moved to another country.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lol I like your thinking my friend. Obviously it wasn't a one off trip so it'll be worth the texting if your going back soon ;)
Its 10p a text if you're roaming in another country. Still 17p on orange to txt another coutry. Its in their T&C's, doubt you'll be able to get any charges back.
