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The best way to clean my car is.....?

  Monaro VXR/Cupra TDi
Reasonably fine weather, time to wash the car...

Used the Duragloss 901 shampoo today, quite pleased with the results. Though personally no better than Meguairs Gold Class shampoo.

After wasshing proceeded to wax with ClearKote Carnuba Moosw Wax.

Was hoping to for more pleasing results than acheived.

Applied a fair amount. Made sure NONE was left on the paintwork at the removal stage. Buffed heavily with microfibre cloth. Ambient temperature of 8 degrees C.

Say's it can darken the overall shade of the paint. Didn't notice this. Just feel the shine isn't as crisp or reflective as I was hoping it would be.

Results below. Something I'm missing here? Application technique?


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  106 GTi
The wax is the final few percent of the overall look, most of the appearance comes in the polishing stages. Looks good to me though. CMW is a ok wax not used mine for ages there are better.

Surprised you did not notice any difference in the Duragloss over Gold Class, the surface feel after use is so much slicker.
  Monaro VXR/Cupra TDi
I suppose the tactility of the surface is a little smoother but not a great deal of difference than when using Meguiars Gold Class.

Could've been the light that gave the overall impression of a reduction in sharpness of shine, when using the Carnuba Moose Wax. Dare I say it, I feel I could've received the same results if I'd used Turtle Wax Original.:S

Beading of water on the surface is good though. It's raining here in Essex once more.:dapprove:

Once the Moose Wax is used up I'll try a hard wax, perhaps the onyx unless you've any other suggestions for the Racing Blue paintwork?
  106 GTi
Onyx seems to look great on any colour I have tried it on - though RB is not one I have used it on, but am confident it will look good though.
  106 GTi
Minimum of 30 mins at least for the EGP, I tend to leave it for an hour if I can, also using it on a damp day is a mistake.

Yeap that is Megs #16.


  Non RS : (
I love it , as said you can layer it up almost instantly :)

I find you can even use it on a cold day better than the EGP 2,

Rich have you used/tried much else of the Jeffs range as im ordering a few today.

  106 GTi
Not bothered with the Prime as I have loads of Carlack 68 and Klasse AIO. But the Strong version is meant to be good.

I have both the JEFFS Werkstatt Acrylic Glos and JEFFS Werkstatt Carnauba Glos QD's but neither are that special. Not bothered with anything else.


  Non RS : (
Well ill try the strong and i have orderd the Acrylic gloss as i have run out of Sonus.

Isnt Carlack 68 / Klasse AIO very similar?
  106 GTi
Same product from the results I have seen, just seemed to aquire various bottles over time lol
  106 GTi
GG would never rebrand, he is very dedicated to developing his own products, look at the hair re-growth products....
  Monaro VXR/Cupra TDi
Washed the car once more with the Duragloss today. Then followed by ClearKote Carnuba Moose Wax.

The results this time were better. When waxing yestereday I thought I used a fair amount of the Wax. Looking at the bottle of Moose Wax today, realised I hadn't.

Used twice as much today. Shine much better, and probably what it should be.:)
  106 GTi
Lots of product is not the key lol ! Nice thin coats, anything you remove is excess wasted product.
  Monaro VXR/Cupra TDi
Lots of product is not the key lol ! Nice thin coats, anything you remove is excess wasted product.

There's always going to be some excess that requires buffing.

Yesterday's result was better than the previous, even if there was excess left over. Time was of the essence, not enough of it for building up coats of wax.
  106 GTi
Agreed but ideally the thinner you can get it the better. CMW is one of the sticker thicker ones and does not spread as easily or thinnly as some of them.
  Monaro VXR/Cupra TDi
I found it easier than that Samurai wax I tried a while back.

It is sticky, though I really enjoyed how easy it was to remove it unlike the Samurai.

When using a hard wax would you suggest storing inside at room temp and/or leaving on top of the boiler for twenty mins before using? This technique would aid an easier smoother and more consistent application?
  106 GTi
Room temp is fine, I warm the wax by rubbing my fingers round it soon makes it soft. If it is really cold I leave it under the halogen for a few mins.
  Monaro VXR/Cupra TDi
Thank you.:)

Just put a bit a dampner on using hard wax ever again after the results with the Samurai.

I'll give it another go and leave the tub indoors well before applying.

You say you run your finger's around the lip of the tub?
  106 GTi
Rub the top of the wax and it warms it up yes.

Not used the Samuri but I thought it was just re-badged Onyx which is super soft.

My Onyx, Saphir and BOS are all soft, the Mystery is rock solid though.
  A well built VW
Heres a post i did a while ago which has loads of info Might be off use to you

I have come across many sites and bookmarked them just thought it would be good to share

The following are how to guides some even have videos to show techniques a bit better

If you have Alcantara heres a wee guide to cleaning it

Same but for suede

This ones all about wetsanding

Ideal guide for removing scratches and chips (if you have the bottle)

Repairing wheel curb marks

How to remove fine scratches

How to use a porter cable polisher

How to get the perfect shine
  Monaro VXR/Cupra TDi
The bottle of Swissol Pneu has run out.

I'm rather keen on it's results and would like to buy another bottle. Any suggestions on the cheapest retailer in the U.K. ?
  Monaro VXR/Cupra TDi
After washing the car, to save waxing I've heard people mention quick detailing spray.

Is it easy to use/apply? What sort of results can one expect? What product would be the best to use?

  Mito Sportiva 135
Very easy to use, just spray on and wipe off straight away with a MF cloth.

Produces a decent finish but all depends on your wash technique and what LSP you are using.

My favourite is Sonus Caranuba Spritz but Megs Last Touch is still very good and works out very cost effective, lasts for ages.
