But stand alone cost inexcess of £1000 inc roller time.
A std ecu remap cost the same as a dastek which has raised the argument of why get a std ecu remap when you can have a dastek... AND actually get a little box. Which IMO is the worst argument for dasteks ive ever heard lol.
I understand there will always be people for and against everything but there is no harm in making people aware of alternatives
This is a quote from wayne himself
"A factory ECU, suitably mapped, is better in all ways than any piggy back option. Fact. Dont bother to argue, you will not win. With it you can alter the rev limit, which is often not an option with Dastek, you can alter the idle speed (which I now do as a matter of course with cammed 16v Pug/Saxo motors having had the odd complaint of idle quality), the fuelling, the advance, often you can even alter the sesitivity of the knock control circuitry for when your motor has very short and noisy pistons, you can even alter the cam timing in some cases; you retain absolutely stock wiring and componentry which makes fault finding just as simple with a modified car as it is with a stock one. The stock diagnosis system remains unaffected. The wiring is not touched and will be just as reliable as always.
In contrast to this, with a piggy back, is extra wiring with colours un-known to your local garage and main dealer alike, which do not appear on the autodata wiring diagrams disc, and with soldered joints causing the wires to corrode due to the caustic flux and go brittle due to the solder wicking up the wire, and with wire gauges way smaller than stock which, while able to manage the small currents encountered, are inadequate in terms of mechanical strength. Cover it all in nasty sticky tape and no-one will see, until it breaks that is.
OK, if you want to get a couple of quid for your Dastek on e-bay when you put your car back to stock (I can only imagine because you are sick of reliability problems brought about poor, corroded wiring) then why dont you just send me an e-mail as I have a bin assigned to old Dasteks removed in order to do the job properly. You want them? I dont!
Ask any specialist mapping concern and see what they tell you about them.
My cars have won 5 championships this year alone. Nuff said. Ask Dastek about Subarus..... see if they supply a dustpan and brush to sweep up the broken bits....its a sore point I understand..."