I just went on ebay and searched go pro suction mount.
Don't need to know about your sex life an plans for tonight (wheeeey)Will have a little play with it I guess.
Love a bit of off roadingI miss my little Suzuki SJ, used to have hours of fun in that!
How frigging bug laden is Cineform Studio? Tried using it twice, both times it froze my mac whilst converting. Popped it into iMovie, worked without fault.
Love mg's. we have a 76 midget
That's cool ... details ??
Had my Hero2 stuck on the dash at the weekend and there is a really annoying clicking sound on the video. Turns out it was the thumb screw vibrating against the case.
Lesson learnt for next time.
Took two attempts putting this together and I'm still not happy.
Music syncs OK on the last half but if I went back to the beginning it'd mess up the end.. soooo... meh.