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The new Auto Finesse Wheel Soap reviews thread

This thread is here for members of the product test panel to submit reviews, pictures and discuss our new development product "Wheel Soap".

An Overview:

Our new Wheel Soap looks to plug a hole in our current product line with two primary uses. Firstly, the new wheel soap works perfectly as a dedicated wheel cleaner on wheels that have been previously waxed, sealed or are regularly maintained. It has slightly more bite than a conventional bodywork shampoo so will safely lift and remove any contamination and brake dust sitting on your wheel.

Secondly it can be used alongside a pH balanced wheel cleaner such as Imperial. The introduction of the wheel soap into your wheel bucket will add extra cleaning power and more lubricity, creating for a quicker and safe wheel cleaning experience.

Putting it into action:

Here we are using the new wheel soap to complete a maintenance wheel wash. The wheels in question are BBS split wheels with painted centres and polished outer lips. Since their last wash these wheels have picked up road grime and brake dust from a trip from London to Birmingham and back, a combination of back roads and motorways, intern leaving them in not a terrible state but the general sort of condition you would expect from such a trip. However they aren't really in a condition the requires a spray and dwell wheel cleaner. A light maintenance wash with the new wheel soap and some Hog Hair detailing brushes will clean and rejuvenate their appearance.



Start by adding three to four capfuls of wheel soap to your wheel bucket containing fresh water and your selected wheel brushes. Next activate the suds by giving it a quick blast with a garden hose or pressure washer.



If necessary give your wheel a light rinse down with a hose prior to cleaning. Next take your Hog Hair wheel brushes and begin to clean. This wheel soap has been in development for a while to insure that it creates and retains suds for the whole time your cleaning your wheels. It’s these suds which will add lubricity and safely carry away the grime and dust your wheel has on it, thus preventing marring on delicate polished and painted wheels.

As you can see the new wheel soap is extremely safe and is perfect to use on painted, powder coated and polished wheels.



Once washed, a quick rinse with a garden hose or pressure washer is all thats need to relieve a clean wheel once again.



We look forward to hearing and seeing your first experiences with our new wheel soap and the results it helps you achieve.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Just a quick message to say thanks for this @Auto Finesse I came home yesterday after an operation feeling worse for wear and was lovely to get a hand written card and some chocolates! Just the best timing :smile: I'm out of action for a couple of weeks with my eye covered in a bandage but shall get on this one when possible! You guys are awesome.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
No one else posted yet huh lol... oh well here we go. A few before pictures showing a good old round trip to Norfolk!





Next I poured just under half the bottle into a bucket (I didn't mean for quite that much to come out, it just kind of flowed that way) and it foamed up nicely with my tap on full power... wow!


After giving the wheels a quick rinse off with plain water I dipped into the bucket of the wheel soap and scrubbed at them with a fresh sponge...


Then went round again this time getting more into the grooves again dipping into the bucket. I found the dirt really easy to remove at this point, it just wiped away with one go whereas usually I have to go a bit harder :smile: happy!


After I was happy they were clean I whacked on a bit of polish and hey-presto, some finished pictures...





Sorry for the lack of sun, was fighting with the weather! Hopefully you can see the clean/shine levels there a bit. Overall a nice product that cut down in time and was really easy to use (also, smelt gorgeous once again) thanks Auto Finesse!
  E46 M3 & UR Quattro
AutoFinesse 'Wheel Soap' review.

Firstly, I just want to thank the guys at AutoFinesse for the personalised Christmas card and chocolates included with this months test product. Very nice gesture and it's been a pleasure reviewing the products over the last year.

I was pretty excited about this months review. I generally use conventional shampoo when cleaning protected wheels, so having wheel soap as a dedicated product is ideal.

Started off getting the kit together, opted for a couple of wheel woollies in large and small and the small AF hogs hair brush.

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Product in question..

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

I added a generous glugg to the bucket and foamed up with the pressure washer.

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

First impressions, it seems to be highly concentrated, a little goes a long way and the smell is lovely!

So, the wheels in question.. Again, using my own car this month.

I will say at this stage, the wheels are currently protected with G-Techniq C5 and have covered around 200 miles since the last wash so they aren't massively filthy.

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Gave the wheels a quick rinse with the pressure washer and started off with the Wheel Woolies on the inner rims.

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Then moved onto the AF Hogs Hair brushes for the spokes and outer faces..

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

At this stage, it was apparent the wheel soap has a fair bit more bite than a standard conventional shampoo and it seemed to cling to the wheels nicely throughout the cleaning process. It cut through the brake dust effortlessly and I only needed to give the wheels a single hit.

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Once complete, I rinsed the suds away with the pressure washer.

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Leaving me with this..

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Lovely clean wheels, protection still intact and beading well!

Dried them off with the Sidekick and a clean MF.. Job done!

AF Wheel Soap
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Overall, I am extremely impressed. Highly concentrated, lathers well and smells lovely. Cuts through brake dust and grime with ease and is completely wax/sealant safe. It's a pleasure to work with and really speeds up wheel cleaning.

I really hope the product makes it to the open market.

Great work Auto Finesse!
Thanks guys, it will certainly make it to market as part of the 2015 range, we have a few exciting products coming out next year.



ClioSport Admin
Catching the deadline by the skin of my teeth here sorry!

I had the first free time this month yesterday so cracked right on.

I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this product as I quite like the spray on, agitate, rinse off of other wheel cleaners.


Dirty wheels


I decided to test this in two ways, in the midset of an enthusiastic cleaner and that of someone who is just being introduced to this stuff.

All wheels were rinsed first, thanks to tough coat they came up quite well.


The front wheels were washed via two buckets and a wash mitt just with the soap.


It smells great and is easy to use, staying fairly lubey.

The rear wheels were hit with imperial and agitated before being rinsed then washed with wheel soap.



All four wheels came up brilliantly as expected.

This shows that even for a new user, the wheel soap provides a safe and easy to achieve brilliant finish on looked after wheels.

The use of imperial just made the process safer.

I'm not sure if use this though as although it is a great product to the range, it requires more time and equipment (an additional two buckets).

  Golf GT & A4 Avant
With imperial being quite a high alkali, although I don't know he pH of the soap, I'd imagine the it isn't going to degrade your protection anywhere near as quickly
