Evo 5 RS
It's also pauper-spec, only 1 Titan![]()
lol, any less than 2 cards just feels wrong these days
It's also pauper-spec, only 1 Titan![]()
Selling my whole rig if anyone is interested.
Oh mate... such a bargain! If I didn't have the Trophy bill looming I'd bite your hand off. Hope it goes to a good home.![]()
I changed my mind lol.
[/FONT]Nvidia has introduced a new a system for [FONT=inherit !important]computinghttp://www.tomshardware.com/news/Cloud-Light-Voxel-Irradiance-Map-Photons-Rendering,23718.html# indirect lighting in the cloud to support real-time rendering on a user's local device. Called CloudLight, the abstract was thrown up on the research portion of Nvidia's website sometime in July, written by Cyril Crassin, David Luebke, Michael Mara and five other Nvidia employees.[/FONT]![]()
"CloudLight maps the traditional graphics pipeline onto a distributed system," the company states. "That differs from a single-machine renderer in three fundamental ways. First, the mapping introduces potential asymmetry between computational resources available at the Cloud and local device sides of the pipeline. Second, compared to a hardware memory bus, [FONT=inherit !important]the networkhttp://www.tomshardware.com/news/Cloud-Light-Voxel-Irradiance-Map-Photons-Rendering,23718.html# introduces relatively large latency and low bandwidth between certain pipeline stages. Third, for multi-user virtual environments, a Cloud solution can amortize expensive global illumination costs across users."[/FONT]
Nvidia said the new framework explores tradeoffs in different partitions of the global illumination workload between cloud and local devices, and how available network and computational power influence design decisions and image quality. The ten-page technical report, released here in PDF form, describes the tradeoffs and characteristics of mapping three known lighting algorithms – Voxel, Irradiance Map and Photon -- to Nvidia's system. It also demonstrates scaling up to 50 simultaneous CloudLight users.
For the voxel approach, the system will voxelize scene geometry offline or dynamically, inject light into and filter the sparce voxel grid, trace cones through the grid to propagate lighting, use cone traced results to generate fully-illuminated frames, encode each frame with H.264 and send to the appropriate client, and decode H.264 on the client and display the frame. Thus, everything is rendered in the cloud, encoded with H.264 to save bandwidth, and decoded on a tablet or something smaller.
The irradiance map system generates global [FONT=inherit !important]unique texture parameterization offline, and cluster texels into basis functions offline. The system then gathers indirect light at each basis function (or texel), reconstructs per-texel irradiance from basis functions, encodes irradiance maps to H.264, and transmits to maps to the client. The data is then decoded on the client and the direct light is rendered; indirect light uses irradiance light. Nvidiaused a notebook in this scenario, with the final frame rendering taking place on the device.[/FONT]
Finally there's photons. The photon map implementation traces photons using a cloud-based ray tracer. It then transfers a bit-packed encoding of photons to clients; old photon packets on the client are expired and replaced with new ones. Photons are scattered into the [FONT=inherit !important]client's viewhttp://www.tomshardware.com/news/Cloud-Light-Voxel-Irradiance-Map-Photons-Rendering,23718.html# to accumulate indirect light, and the system sums indirect light with locally-computed direct illumination. Photon reconstruction requires a powerful client, the company said, hence Nvidia's use of a desktop PC as an example for photon maps.
Just gave it a quick blow out and put some fresh coolant and MX-2 on the CPU.
Additional information has suggested that NVIDIA will be releasing the GeForce GTX 800 series ‘Maxwell’ graphics cards sometime in Q1 2014
I need to air gun mine just to blow the dust out without coughing my lungs up.
BTW Toby did you buy that chair in the end from your thread?
- The Staples Microfibre one? £120?
Bought this morning. Hopefully be here tomorrow or day after.
Still to buy a desk. And the internet. Virgin are useless f**kers.
Yeah it was like £1700. Not too shabby really. Wanted a desktop but the people who look after the printers and computers and s**t wont let us have them.
Really dont know if ill like WFH!!