So I bought myself a nice new keyboard (RGB obviously lol) in an effort to learn how to "game" with a keyboard. Takes a bit of getting used to just typing with the mechanical keyboard never mind play games.
It really isnt easy, particularly Battlefield 1, swapping from controller to keyboard. So many different keys to remember. The dexterity in the left hand just aint that good lol. Will persevere with it though.
Cant be part of the master race if one cannot drive a keyboard in game lol.
That can be an issue. However, the accuracy taken up with the mouse is sublime. Once you get your head around it, the slick and smooth operation of targeting with a mouse becomes second nature. Just in the same way that in driving games, a wheel is far more subtle and specific with steering inputs than a pad could ever be.
The single issue of concern I have - and one that I've seen with increasing regularity - is the lack of scroll-wheel support. For years, the scroll-wheel was the
de facto input method of switching between your kit or inventory. It worked and worked really well - allowing you to move, aim and be switching kit in one smooth action.
As consoles have no scroll-wheels, a lot of newer cross-platform games now default the weapons to the likes of 1, 2, 3 etc along the top - with each item requiring its own key. This isn't slick - it's anything but. Yet within the options screen, there simply isn't an option to combine all 1-7 items on the scroll movement of the mouse wheel. Some games thankfully, are the exception to the rule. In Warframe for example, I have the cycling through the 5 available powers on the up scroll of the wheel and the weapons cycling on the downward scroll. When things get busy, this is a godsend, allowing you to chop and change on the fly, very quickly.
Try using a gameboard. They are like keyboards but evolved.....